Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 24.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 106 (January, 1902)
DOI Artikel:
Fred, Alfred W.: The Darmstadt artists' colony
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The Darmstadt Artists Colony

metier, but he is often very
successful in his employ-
ment of textiles. He
works his wood frequently
in the modern manner
by staining—at Darmstadt
much is done by colour-
ing and staining — and
polishing, but rarely by
intarsia work, and often—
far too often, in my idea
—by carving. This is his
favourite decoration. In
this respect—if I may use
a somewhat superficial ex-
pression—he is too "non-
modern." Nothing can
be said against the oc-
casional employment of
carving for sumptuous

bedroom by p. huber pieces of furniture, be-

cause otherwise a techni-
cal accomplishment of the

been erected for a creative artist, does not bear the highest repute would decay through want of use;
stamp of being intended to serve for a man of a but I should keep away artistic carving from
special turn of mind. In this essential difference every-day furniture, bedsteads, or wardrobes,
between Patriz Huber and Bebrens and Olbrich, The colour effects aimed at by Huber are very
as well as many other modern architects of interiors, chaste and sober. We find little glitter in his


lies a good deal of Huber's special distinctiveness.
A further indication of what I have called the
"middle-class" and the "German" is the selec-
tion of the means with which Huber works. He
gets his effects almost exclusively from the wood
employed. The-treatment of metals is not his

BY p. huber

interiors, little of a strong tendency. The panel-
ling of the walls, as well as the ceiling and
hangings, display quiet tones, the whole impression
being that of somewhat heavy comfort. It is;
unnecessary to give a detailed description of
Huber's rooms. The illustrations convey a good
