Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 155 (February, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: A notable sculptor: Alfred Drury, A.R.A.
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NOTABLE SCULPTOR, ALFRED -11 be ^^ and a d f keen

DRURY, A.R.A. BY A. LYS — ° their work far beyond aching**
BALDRY. he adherents to the older methods we^apabl

f nf exciting. There was not only a stimulating
When the time comes for the completion of ^ manner of present** the dry

a detailed history of the progress of British ^ in rf the sculpt0r's craft, but there was
sculpture during the nineteenth century, a special techn ^ ^ mission an(J purpose of

chapter will have to be devoted to the part played as well,

by the famous French sculptor, _ ,

Dalou, in the development in this
country of the art of which he
was so distinguished an exponent.
He came to us some thirty years
ago, as so many of his country-
men have at various times, to
escape the consequences of his
over-strenuous participation in
political agitations, and the oppor-
tunity of his presence here was
seized upon by our more en-
lightened leaders in art education
as one which could be most ad-
vantageously turned to account.
Soon after his arrival in England
he was appointed teacher of
modelling in the National Art
Training School at South Ken-
sington, on the initiative of Sir
Edward Poynter, who was then
the head of that institution ; and
his services as an adviser were
also secured by other art schools.
Indeed, he became at once a very
active worker in the field of art
education, a worker, who, by both
precept and example, was able to
exercise an immense influence
over a large number of students,
and to direct in a very effective
manner their training in the par-
ticular form of practice on which,
as a consummate master, he was
peculiarly able to speak with

What was the effect of the
intervention of a man of his
vigorous personality and splendid
powers in the rather conventional BROnze statue of queen by alfred drury

routineof English art teaching can victoria at Bradford
XXXVII. No. 155.—February, 1906.