Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 155 (February, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: A notable sculptor: Alfred Drury, A.R.A.
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Alfred Drury, A.R.A.


"peace group" (new war office building)

by alfred drury

tions by the atmosphere of a place full of splendid So convinced was he of the importance of his

examples of architectural design; but the more fortunate association with Dalou and so eager was

immediate cause was his study of the collection of he to continue it as long as possible, that when his

works by Sir Francis Chantrey in the University master returned to France he went with him as an

Galleries With this collection he became familiar assistant and remained for four years m _ Fans

very early in his life, while he was engaged as a working in Dalou's studio and helping him in the

choir-boy at New College, and it seems to have carrying out of some of his most ambitious

aroused in him an ambition which grew steadily creations. In this way Mr. Drury secured a wider

stronger as years went on. and more practical experience than mere school

That he' had not mistaken his vocation was training could possibly have given him, and he had

sufficiently proved by his career atSouth Kensington. the special advantage of commencing his actual

He had not long been there before he was career as a worker under the supervision of the

recognised as one of the most promising and same accomplished craftsman who had directed the

indefatigable students in the school and as a man whole course of his earlier study. He escaped that

for whom a brilliant future could be safely intermediate period between the routine work of

prophesied. His progress was punctuated by many the school and the blossoming out into independent

successes ; he took the highest award in the production, a period that to many young artists is

National Competition three years running and he a dangerous one because in the first emancipation

gained a number of other prizes during the period from the dictation of his teacher the inexperienced

of his studentship From Dalou, who was quick practitioner is apt to attempt flights which are

to perceive the reality of his enthusiasm and the impossible to him and to become disheartened by

greatness of his capacities, he received a full ' failures which had he known himself better he

measure of attention, and he knew well how to would have seen to be inevitable. Many men

profit by the hints of a master who was ready to have wrecked a promising career by extravagance

give him just that thorough drilling he desired in of effort in their first few years of independence,

both the refinements and the fundamental principles and others have seriously delayed their efficient

of the art in which it was his intention to excel. progress by wasting their youthful energies upon