Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 155 (February, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
Baldry, Alfred Lys: A notable sculptor: Alfred Drury, A.R.A.
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Alfred Drury, A.RA.

been elected an Associate of the Royal Academy, he has shown a great amount of industry and has

a distinction he had well earned. His admission been responsible for quite a large series of produc-

to the ranks of the Academy made, however, no tions which have a right to be remembered. The

continued T ^ °haraCter of the works which he quality of his work has always been excellent, and

continue to show there. He still kept to com- as his powers have ripened the beauty and dignity

para lve y sma things, and used his privileges of his style have become more evident, and the

rvWct;™-, Tn 1000 he fertility of his invention has been displayed more

with commendable moderation. In 190° —, - ersUasively.

showed only a bronze bust, The Prophetess of Fate, anc^™ore Pwhat he has exhibited is by no means
and a small marble relief, The Little Duchess ; in And >'e ^ . ^ what he has done. Indeed, it
1901, three busts of Mrs. John Haddocks, Alexan- the greater p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ bulk of his
der McLeod, Esq., and The Hon. Sir John Alex- would be a ^ executed in the spare

ander Cockburn, K.C.M.G.; in 1902, portrait rahlbltlon P/ n ptionally busy career. For a
busts of T. B. Wood, Esq., and Professor Arthur moments 01 a has been fuU Gf big

Schuster, an ideal bust in marble, Innocence, and a. long w 1 p decorative objects on a large

model for the Queen Victoria memorial at Bradford; things, mc
in 1903, a bust of the King
for the Town Hall at War-
rington, and another of The
late Sir William MacCor-
mac, K.C.B.; in 1904 a
bust of Lord Masham, a
silver plaquette, Grade, and
aboldand effective Keystone
for the Building of the Royal
London Friendly Society;
and last year a bust of The
late Dr. John Hopkinson, a
bronze head, The Spirit oj
Night, a Study for the Statue
of St. George, the head of a
full-length figure designed
for erection at Clifton Col
lege, and a panel symbolical
of The Fine Arts for the
pedestal of the Queen Vic
tona Memorial at Welling
ton, New Zealand.

Besides these Academy
contributions there have
been at other galleries many
things which can be counted
among his greater successes.
At the New Gallery he has
been represented continu
ously since the first exhibi
tion there, and always by
work which has done him
justice — for instance, by
such memorable efforts as
the Gipsy Maiden (1889),
Inspiration, and Guido
(1890) and the bronze ~" by Alfred di

relief My Queen (l896). vgtfg"*

Even as an exhibiting artist socie y j