Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 155 (February, 1906)
DOI Artikel:
The arts and crafts exhibition at the Grafton Gallery, [1]
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Arts and Crafts Exhibition. First Notice

seems to absorb their attention to the
exclusion of consideration of those things
which form the essentials of domestic
comfort. In many ways the Society,
which was at first essentially a body of
pioneers, have improved taste, corrected
false tendencies, and stimulated the trade,
and fulfilled to some extent its mission; .
its progress accordingly in the future
must be made along those paths where
still deplorable trade productions chal-
lenge the active antagonism of every
person of taste.

Having noted these points, we may pass
to the promised more detailed description
of some things which we have previously
mentioned as forming the more note-
worthy exhibits in the galleries.

No one designs for stained glass with
a more delicate sense of beauty than Mr.

glass door tanels by sylvester sparrow

expectations of the Society in making
this departure. It shows in a truly
promising way the success which has
followed everywhere In the wake of the
Arts and Crafts movement, and the very
remarkable influence which has been
exerted over a number of students by
the various craft teachers into whose
hands the work of producing these
young craftsmen has been given. The
success of their teaching has had a
marked effect upon the various trades
which are affected by individual craft,
and this has been wholly to the benefit y'- M

of those trades at large and to the general KlF^fP'A"iH^T !■

public, in fostering better taste where Bit, Sf jft #1 *il

the vulgarest forms of commercial ugli- MK "MPiU' gI

ness have for long held the field. Under -
these circumstances we find it impossible ;
to regard these student exhibits without jjj I ■

gaining a distinct sense of gratification H 8W B <• 'I' ■

that the educational influence which the H> 9\\ ™" n'- y mi «

Society exercises has become widespread BAwH»

in away which has fulfilled all anticipa- ~~ ^BJ


Returning to the subject of the Society's
own exhibition, on the whole the energy of

designers and craftsmen this year seems ......Mlliliiiiiiiniiiin. ^UTTfflBI

to have run into dilettante channels ; the .............___............________________________________

smaller work, such as the ornamentation

, bowi. and stand in silver, designed and worked by

of books and the making of jewellery, enamel and turquoise w. s. iiadaway and c. hughes
