Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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Studio- Talk

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is an illustration..tq " Das
Lied von der Glocke,"
with its message of free-
dom and equality to all.
Here, however, it is the
Russian peasant who is
before us, for the drawing
was made on the day of
the outbreak of the Rus-
sian Revolution. The
labourer pauses a moment
to listen to what the
distant bells may foretell;

" unser schiller' by alexander wilke ^u(- nQ{ 'far off, silllOU-

etted against the sky, he

anxiously awaiting results has just entered the sees a battalion of soldiers, ready to thwart the
room, the father is jubilant, the mother tearful as realisation of his dreams,
befits the occasion ; the bridegroom-elect, in evening --

dress, which is de rigueur at such times, stands Herr Wilke is young, enthusiastic for his calling,
shyly before his fiancee and requests in formal rich in ideas, and his work is peculiarly interesting,
terms the privilege of giving her the first kiss, for his talents lie in different directions. In his
This is a real German " philistine " family—not caricatures he never oversteps the bounds of good-
Austrian, for with the Austrians formalities are less breeding; in his serious work he is full of poetry,
rigorous ; they are of a different calibre
to the Germans. The attitudes of the
four personages are very striking ; each
figure is clearly drawn, and the meaning
each is to convey unmistakable. The
same characteristics are shown in the
drawing of The Night Asylum. Here
three different classes of criminals are
represented. To the right is the good-
natured man who steals because he
won't go hungry. He is asking his
opposite neighbour to which branch of
the profession he belongs. The one in
the centre is full of superiority as he
contemptuously surveys the others, but
he represents the worst form of crimin-
ality. The two Schiller illustrations
give cause for thought. Here the mo-
tive lies deep, and it is to Schiller we
must go to understand these. Herr
Wilke is a warm partisan of the poet
who is so dear to the hearts of every
true German. Schiller is their idol in
youth as Goethe is at a more mature
age. The postcard design of " Unser
Schiller" represents the poet in his
young days, about the time when he
first gave the fruits of his genius to the
world in Die Rauber. The storm of
thoughts within is shown in the storm of
winds without. The drawing of Liberty "liberty" by Alexander wilke
