Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI issue:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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on original compositions. Having in the meantime
returned to Stockholm she went early in igor to
Rome, and shut herself up for three months in a
studio in the Via Liguria, until she had finished the
recumbent figure in marble, After the Strife (Efter
kampen)—a beautiful piece of work which has not
always met with a correct interpretation.

Miss Nordin is passionately fond of music, inti-
mately connected as it is with the nature of her own
creative art. Her study, the Andante Patetico, was
inspired by a violin sonata, and gives, as it were, the
key to the whole of the productions of her genius.
The portrait bust of Dr. Emil Rasmussen exhibits a
rare capacity for endowing clay and marble with
life and character. If we study Miss Nordin's
creations, we are led to feel that her strength lies
rather in the expression of personal character and
feeling than in the portrayal of physical perfection.

At present Miss Nordin is at work in her studio
in Stockholm. We understand that she has plenty
to do, and we feel sure that, if she be granted a
long life, some new production of her busy hand

dr. e. rasmussen t!y ai.ice nordin will> from time to time, be admired in future art

exhibitions. A. W.

after some time she was advised by her
teacher to enter the Academy of Fine
Arts, founded by Gustavus III. In her
nineteenth year she entered with a throb-
bing heart those sacred halls. In 1895,
our young artist received her first medal.
It was awarded for her marble statue
Twilight (Skymning). Two years later
she obtained for her beautiful creation,
A Spring Dream (Vardrom), the Royal
Medal at the Academy, which is the
highest reward granted by that institu-
tion. The same year she finished two
portrait busts for the Royal Opera House,
and found a purchaser for her study, A
Spring Dream. She was now enabled
to realise her youthful dream of a visit
to the metropolis of art on the Seine.
Full of hope and energy, she opened a
studio on the Rue Delhambre. "Now
for the first time I felt as if I really began
to live," she said, and her eyes brightened
as she mentioned her first days in Paris.
In the studio of Colarossis she received
instruction from the great Ingalbert,
whilst in her own studio she was hard

portrait of madame lubanska by ludomir janowski

at work on orders for portrait busts and (See Warsaw Studio-Talk)
