Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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ARSAW.—The capital of Russian a few landscape studies, was at the time much dis-
Poland is little known as an art cussed by the local press,
centre. Still, during these last -

years much has been done to One can say that Ludomir Janowski is a self-
waken up the interest of the public towards the made artist. After finishing his studies at the
works of our artists. Permanent exhibitions are held St. Petersburg Academy his only master has
in a large and fine building erected some time ago been Nature. Having never left his native
by the Society of Fine Arts, under the able and country he ignores the artistic treasures of the
active direction of its president, Dr. Charles Benni. museums and galleries of Italy, Spain, Holland,
Most of the Polish painters generally known abroad etc., but studies Nature with untiring persever-
are Austrian Poles or reside in Paris, Munich or ance and a perfect sincerity. There is nothing
Rome, as the late Siemiradzki, Fallat, Brandt, amateurish in his work, and his want of conven-
Gierymski, Boznanska, etc. Their brothers of tionality and search of effect have roused many
Russian Poland have hitherto taken little part in differences of opinion among the critics and' the
foreign exhibitions, and hence their names are public. He concentrates all the interest of his
hardly known outside local artistic circles. One of portraits in the expression of the head ; he does
them, Mr. Ludomir Janowski, was among the first not copy only the exterior form and colour of his
to hold an exhibition of his works in the above- models, but he searches in the very depths of their
mentioned Palace of the Society of Fine Arts, souls, and tries to render their real personality. He
This exhibition, consisting of several portraits and does not paint masks, but living men and women,

who suffer and sin and
enjoy; who are vanquished
or conquer in the battle
of life. Thus he has been
often misunderstood by
the superficial amateur.
Ladies criticise his treat-
ment of dress, and " men
of the world" find their
portraits not stylish
enough ; while — irony of
fate!—one of his critics
has blamed him for having
confined his portraits to
an aristocratic clientele.

In his Portrait of
Madame Lubanska, repro-
duced on the preceding
page, we have a fair
notion of his manner.
Also characteristic is his
Portrait of Countess Jtdie
Potocka, in which he has
most happily rendered the
refinement and charm,
the pathos of his model,
[ and that with the utmost
simplicity of technique,
that perfect want of affecta-
tion of any kind which is
one of his chief merits.
His portrait study is also

portrait study by ludomir janowski full of interest, and has
