Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 76.1919

DOI issue:
No. 313 (April 1919)
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Studio- Talk


Cozens (including some by this artist which Boulton, Mr. C. Haigh-Wood, Mr. Leonard

have been reproduced in this magazine), and Squirrell, and in particular Mr. F. L. Griggs,

others figure in the collection brought together the accomplished penman, who has found in

on this occasion, but the display is made the etched plate a congenial medium for the

memorably interesting by the brilliant array of expression of his gifted individuality.

Turners, numbering about fifty, all or most of ----

them probably unknown to more than a few Of this year's exhibition of the National

of the admirers of his superlative genius. Portrait Society there is not much to be said,

-- the works of first-rate importance being fewer

At the Painter-Etchers' Exhibition, held as than usual. There is an early work of Mr. J. S.

usual in the galleries of the " Old " Water- Sargent's—a portrait of Mrs. Allhusen—which,

Colour Society, there was not much of out- appearing here for the first time in public,

standing importance, apart from a solitary print looks rather out of place among its neighbours,

representing the President, Sir Frank Short— Mr. McEvoy's The Polish Lady, one of ten

an aquatint entitled 'Twixt Dawn and Day, contributions by this artist; Vivian Forbes's

an impressive interpretation of the poetry of S elf-Portrait, Mr. Glyn Philpot's The late John

Nature. We noted also among the prints Leslie, Esq., Mr. William Strang's Buenos Dias,

contributed by members or associates of some Senor, Mr. A. T. Munnings's Point-to-Point

years' standing, some good work by Mr. Nelson Rider and New Year's Morning in David J agger's

Dawson, Mi. J. R. K. Duff's pastoral and open- Studio, Mr. Augustus John's W. H. Davis, Esq.,

air figure studies, notably his Man with the Beet, Mr. Wolmark's A. Ludovici, Esq., and Mr. Henry

Mr. D. I. Smart's Distant Town, Mr. Albany Lintott's L. T. M. Gray, Esq., are among the

Howarth's Ponte Vecchio, Florence, Capt. Lee most notable items in the show, the chief

Hankey's Denise, and Mr. Fred Richards's interest of which, however, centres in the

view of " The High," Oxford (from the top of sculpture of Mr. Jacob Epstein, and especially

Magdalen Tower). But the feature of the his study of An American Soldier and his

exhibition as a whole was the varied and in- original study in wax of Mrs. Jacob Epstein,

teresting display of work by recent recruits, both of them veritable tours de force in expressive

such as Miss Greta Delleany, Miss Winifred vitality.
Austen, Mr. G. Marples, Mr. C. 0. Murray,

Mr. G. Soper, all of them shrewd observers of The exhibition of the Women's International

animal life ; Mr. A. Hugh Fisher, Miss Doris Art Club at the Grafton Galleries last month