Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 84.1922

DOI issue:
No. 356 (November 1922)
DOI article:
Cundall, Herbert M.: The Victor Rienaecker Collection, [3]
DOI Page / Citation link: 

1 cm
OCR fulltext
THE VICTOR RIENAECKER COL- to Oxford, and the earliest was made when

LECTION. By H. M. CUNDALL, a boy only fourteen years of age. Amongst

I.S.O., F.S.A. (THIRD AND CON- ^s sketches at the Tate Gallery there are

CLUDING ARTICLE). 000 on the same sheet of paper, one a

distant view 01 Oxford from the Abingdon

LIKE the water-colour drawings, the oil Road, and the other a sketch for the
paintings in this collection commence large water-colour, entitled Turner's First
with Richard Wilson, and other early View of Oxford, signed and dated 1789.
masters in landscape painting (Gains- The oil painting, Oxford from the Abingdon
borough, Turner, Constable and Crome) Road, was executed for Mr. Wyatt of Ox-
are all well represented. A View of Tivoli ford, and exhibited at the Royal Academy in
by Wilson is an important painting of 1812. It was engraved by John Pye in
classical composition, suffused in golden 1818. There are two paintings by Con-
sunlight, with the ancient circular temple stable: Flatford Mill, one of the many
of Vesta high on the rock, whilst the river subjects he selected on the river Stour,
Aniene winds its way below into the dis- and a coast scene. The latter is treated in
tance. A romantic woody landscape by an unusual manner with a calm sea, and
Gainsborough is one of his typical scenes, painted in a lower key and less broadly
with a mansion almost completely sur- than his customary style, but it is a charac-
rounded by trees. Turner paid many visits teristic work full of the chiaroscuro that

Vol. LXXXIV. No. 356.—November 1933.

" view of tivoli." oil painting by
richard wilson, r.a. (1714-1783)