Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Acquisition for a Family (An), 74

Advice to Angry Men, 74

Advice to Mr. Buckstone, 19

Allegories on the Banks of the Tiber, 133

All work and some play, 48

An Act of Continental Grace, 256

Animal Longevity, 74

Another Illusion Gone, 206

Another Parisian Embellishment, 229

Another Stoppage, 213

Appalling Legal News, 219

Approaching Martyrdoms, 11

Apropos of the Great Bonnet Question, 195

Arcades Ambo, 158

Art Appurtenances in the Street, 79

Art of Sinking a Telegraph (The), 199

Art-Treasure (An), 155

Art-Wellington (An), 50

Bad Account of a Good Musician (A), 98

Bad Cartridges, 39

Bagmen for the Battle-Field, 156

Ballad of Roaring Hanna (The), 131

Barnacle's Cur (Tite), 195

Battle of Cremorne (The), 175

Battle of the Pictures (The), 13

Battle of the Telegram (The), 185

Beauty in Armour, 23

Beer Barrels v. Sunday Bands, 51

Best Monument to Jenner (The), 125

Bigotry, Intolerance, and Fireworks, 206

Black Plush, 37

Black Strap Berries, 155

Blue-Stocking that wants Mending, 149

Bore of the Barber's Shop (The), 133

Bottle-Holder on Bussorah (The), 62

Bottle that Cheers and not Inebriates

(The), 158
Boy's Petition (A), 34
British Art and French Horseflesh, 59
British Brahmins and British Merchants,


British Sculpture Equalled in Rome, 125
Brothers of the Order of Nana Sahib, 164
Bucolic Intelligence, 259
Bulldogs and Retrievers, 234
Burial of Beranger (The), 42
Cadgek's Money-Market (The), 230
Cambridge Banquet, 198
Camellia Breadalbanica (The), 173
Canterbury Casino (The), 4
Captive (The), 112
Case of Clerical Nervousness, 219
Cellar above the Library (The), 118
Christmas Shooting Chorus, 260
Chupaties and Lotus Flowers, 114
Gives Romani, 196
Clerical Fiddlers, 230
Cockadoodledoo! 95
Coelestibus Ira, 146
Comet in a Law Court 257
Comic Court Circular (A), 158
Consternation in the Green Room, 86
Contributor in a Fix (A), 148
Cooking by Electricity, 198
Corn Exchange, 257
Corporation itself Again (The), 193
Corrupt Practices, 86, 258
Corrupt Practices' Prevention Bill, 61
Counterblast for Puffing, 246
Counterpart to Crinoline, 85
Counts and Crackshaws, 92
Cracking of Big Ben (The), 194
Crinoline for Gentlemen, 183
Cruel Parient (A), 95
Daring Criticism on a Nobleman, 187
Deceptive Spirit (A), 260
Defence of Ladies' Dresses (A), 128

Design for a Cartoon, 258

Dinner-Table Talk, 168

Divide and Conquer. 132

Divorce Bill (The), 3

Divorce Hill Dissected (The), 103

Does the Bank do Bills? 214

Doubtful Benefit of Clergy, 149

Downing Street and Holywell Street, 188

Dr. Birch and Dr. Punch, 62

Drumming for the Drapers, 138

Dust, Oh! Dust, Oh! 70

Effect s of a Queen's Holiday, 159

England's Difficulty is Ireland's Oppor-
tunity, 163

Epigram by an Uneducated Donkey, 259

Eventful Session (An), 103

Extract from Bell's Life (An), 216

Facts that are mucli Stranger than Fic-
tion, 9

Fairy Godmother Outdone (The), 148
Fairy-Land, 33

Fast the Day, Fast the Deed, 160
Fine Young English Officer (The), 74
Fines on the Fast-Dav (The), 150
Flowers from Ze FolUt, 239
Flowers of Fashionable Intelligence, 37
Fool's Head of Hair (The), 40
Fortifications of Chelsea (The), 234
Freedoms of the Press, 7
French Proverbs (By a Natif de Paris),
133, 145

Fun and Freedom of Opinion, 254

Gambler's Wife (The), 135

Gambling made Easy anit Comfortable, 124

Garland of Wit (A), 229

Gleanings from a Paddy Field, 166

Goldsmith's Gold, 38

Good-natured Thoughts (By a Stupid Fel-
low), 239

Grotto Nuisance (The). 53

Half-Holiday at Dieppe (A), 58

Happy End for Hogs (A), 236

Harp of the Hehrew Minstrel (The), 107

Harvest Carol, 80

Haunted Bridge (The.), 70

Head and a Block, 115

Hebrew without Points, 253

Hen Cuckoos, 10

" Here we all Are," 43

Hero and a Humbug (A), 217

Hero of Millwall (The), 257

Heroes and Haberdashers, 164

High Jinks for the Humble Classes, 244

Hindoo Smytliology (The), 147

Hints to the Hot, 49

Homage to the Horseradish, 258

Horrors of Entomology, 239

Hospital for Mangled English (A), 85

lluuse of Commons' Early Closing Asso-
ciation, 101

Housekeeper on Heroism (A), 60

How about the Hoops? 94

How Estimates Grow, 2

How Men of Business do Business, 113

How Mr. Cooke takes Delhi, 259

How Titus Manlius Macauleius was made
a Patrician, 115

How to Calculate the Height of the Sea-
son, 97

How to make an Indian Pickle, 70
How to Ruin your Health, 13
How to tell a Womaiis Age, 145
Humble Petition of the British Lion
(The), 63

Humiliation Indemnity Fund (The), 147
Humours of the Sewers, 225
Husbandmen and Lovers, 138

Delhi, 190 j Hymen out of Town, 94

Demons of Pimlico (The), 21: I Important Announcement, 40, 50, 60

Indian Parable (An), 166

Infirmary for Affections of the Heart, 235

Irish Proverbs, 215

Irony for Christmas, 259

James Thompson, Esq. (of Cheapside), 179

John's Warning to Jonathan, 23

Journeymen Parsons' Wages, 168

Junior Irish Brigade, 112

Jury Torture, 39

Justice to Codrington, 108

Juvenile Art-Treasures, 178

Keys of Mystery, 195

Kinreen o'ihe Dee, 121

Ladies and the Looking-glass (The), 174

Ladies' Scores at Liiiendrapers' Shops, 229

Lady and a Judge (A), 233

Lamentable Lay (A), 111

Land Brutes and Sea Birds, 111

Last Fond Looks, 93

Last Man ' The), 117

Last Two Swells in Town (The), 79

Latest Congress of Vienna (The), 143

Lawn Sleeves and Shirt Sleeves, 227

Lay of the Seaside B—g (Thej, 86

Leader from the Star (A), 177

Leader of a Seaside Paper (The), 117

Leaves from a Christmas Tree, 260

" Les Adieux D'Osborne," 82

Let us Join the Ladies, 27

Libel on the Sex (A), 38

Liberavimus Animam, 108

" Little Girls come out to play," 153

Locus PcenitentiEe, 197

Lodging-House Sayings, 107

London Labour and the Loudon Rich, 19

Lord Nathan, 8

Lord Punch to Lord Coventry, 258

Love of a Dog Lost (A), 205

Mahogany Door (The), 18

Making Game of Justice, 228

Marriage and its Difficulties, 183

Marriage by Advertisement, 145

Mary, the Many-faced, 29

Matrimonial Market (The), 3

Medieval Bauble (A), 165

Medical Man to his Mistress (The), 54

Medical Protection Bill (The), 18

Medicine of the Money Market, 177

Member to Pay (The), 169

Mems of a Mother-in-Law, 30

M creator, 254

Mercy for Nana Sahib, 213

" Merrily we live that Soldiers be," 37

Metallic Operations, 260

Midsummer Morning's Dream (A), 50

Millinery in Excelsis, 134

Minute Doses, 156

Miracle-mongery, 239

Mistrust of the Militia, 105

Mitre in Bethnal Green (A), 256

Model Wife in 1857 (The), 226

More News of Alexander Pope, 226

More Plush and Buckles, 107

Mormon Intelligence, 126

Mr. Bowyer on Hard Swearing, 3

Mr. Christopher Clod on the Prize Servant

System, 224
Mr. Cox on English History, 1S2
Mr. John Thomas on Enlistment, 165
Mr. Punch and the Victoria Cross, 4
Mr. Punch at the Launch, 205
Mr Punch's Humanity, 256
Mr. Punch upon Purchase, 97
Mr. Punch's Police, 208
Mrs.Fanny Kern on the American Crisis,210
Mrs. Gamp s Farewell to Mrs. Harris, 7
Mrs. Threadneedle's Complaint, 220
Mutability of Fashion, 81
My Stars and Garters, 30

Mysteries of the City (The), 169

Nemesis in Plaster of Paris, 91

New Interjection (A), 259

Newspaper Cuttings, 105

Nice Young Woman Wanted for a Small

Party, 121
No Art Nonsense, 40
No calling Names, 246
No Grist from a Cotton Mill, 165
Noah's Ark of a Heart (A), 42
Nose a Test of Colour (The), 229
O, Sham, where is thy blubh '? 27
Ode to Fraucatelli, 197
Off she goes, 163

Old Lady's Eureka (The), or Death to the

Flies, 53
Old Printers' Haven (The), 13
Omnibusters, 217
Our Brother of Piedmont, 226
Our City Article, 248
Our City Poem, 175
Our Friend Mr. Cox, 224
Our Friends who Bless their Enemies, 21
Our National Defences, 79
Our Overcrowded Thoroughfares, 116
Ourself in a rage, 153
Panic and its Consequences (The), 209
Paragons in Petticoats, 223
Parliamentary and Ministerial Education,


Parting of the Pictures, 179

Patterns for Drapers' Young Men. 176

Peep into Westminster Hall (A), 68

Peers and the Press (The), 20

Pen-and-Inkle and Yaiio, 93

Perambulator-Tax Wanted (A), 80

Performers in the " Grave Scene," 163

Phoebe and the Picnics, 41

Physic for the Fair, 208

Pindar at Newmarket, 165

Pious Blacking, 179

Pity the Poor Sepoys, 154, 184

" Plato, thou reasonest III 1" 92

Playfulness in High Life, 69

Please, don't remember the Grotto, 61

Poking up the Seacole Fire, 103

Political Warbler (The), 67

Pompey on Telegram, 177

Popular Prejudice about Authors, 146

Population of the Animated Kingdom, 246

Portrait of Lord Palmerston (as imagined

by Foreigners), 127
Prize Labour in London, 218
Proctor's Pantomime (The), 245
Progress of Civilisation, 236
Protection from Robbery, 29
Punch on Purchase, 97
Punch's Essence of Parliament, 1, 11, 22,

32, &c.

Punch's Gentlemanly System of Cab
Fares, 94

Punch's Imaginary Conversations, 237,250

Punch's Law Reports, 19

Punch's Little Police Court. 81. 92

Puppyisms for the Dog Days, 37

Puseyism and Private Families, 249

" Put Out the Light," 13

Quack ! Quack ! Quack ! 227

Quacks of Advertising Columns, 144

Question in Bankruptcy (A), 219

Quite a New Cry, 38

HaCY Literature, 116

Ragged School for Servants (A), 84

Railway Economy, 2

Rampant Ribbonism, 156

Razzia on the Rats, li6

Re-Christening the Days of the Week, 24

Recruiting Officer's Assistant (The), 144

Keform your Lawyers' Bills, 133



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1857
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1852 - 1862
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 33.1857, Index, S. 263