Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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jJanuary 22, j859.

A Discreet (!) Friend having presented Master Tom with a Tool-box as a ]Stew Year's Gift—the Furniture is put


harder. What was this girl refused admission for ? Onlv because she did not make

OUR DEFIANCE TO TYRWHITT. j use ofthe word'destitute.' If she had been taken in and relieved with her four

ounces of bread, the master could this morning have made her work for it. Such

"Rr\n itv Tnn tv TvriwmTT "Rnn pv tnn pv Mn Tvuwuttt TTnnrpvl conduct as had been pursued in this case was a perfect disgrace to the administra-
XlOU-JH-.UU-hl, ilJiWHlll. XYOO-e\-lOO-e\, Jilt. IKKWHIII. nooraj . tiQn of thg poQr Law He knew the st0rm which would be raised, and strong

.Bravo! TYRWHITT p_r ever ! Hooray ! _ ... . interests which worked in St. Pancras, but he would fearlessly do his duty, and he

said advisedly that he believed that no other parish would act in this way. In the
parishes surrounding this Court, viz., Clerkenwell, Islington (more especially the
latter), and St. Andrew's, Holborn, every attention was paid to such cases—atten-
tion which is not paid by the parish of St. Pancras. His brother magistrate (Mk.
Corrie) was, he understood, of the same opinion. How was it that such dreadful
cases came from that parish alone ? There must be several more when one of their
officers was now under remand, and warrants had been issued against others who
could not be found."

Bah ! tyrant. Bah ! You mav "immediately suppress the cheers of
the people in court," with the aid of your minions and myrmidons, but
you can't put down Mr. Punch. In flat defiance of you, he roars
Bravo! Tyrwhitt for ever! Well said, Sir. Well spoken, Sir.
Put down those of your own size; but you shan't prevent Mr. Punch's
applauding you with might and main.
And this is what he is applauding:—
A poor girl, named Mary Ann Hodge, aged 16, is found crving on
a doorstep, late at night. Police Constable Whiteley, 239 S (the man
behaved discreetly, and deserves to be named), finds that she is
homeless, and advises her to go to the St. Pancras workhouse. She
has already been there, and has been refused admission. He himself
takes her there, and she is again refused. He takes her to the station,
whence the added terror of a sergeant is sent with her; but for the third
time the homeless girl is driven away. Then, of course, in common
humanity, she becomes a prisoner at the station, and has refuge and

Once more, and in utter defiance of you and your minions, Mr. Punch
exclaims, Bravo, Tyrwhitt ! The parish of St. Pancras is not only a
disgrace to Metropolitan administration, but to the community
generally. It is one of the instances that are flung in the face of
Reformers, when they desire to extend popular representation, Ob-
structives say, "Look at the precious parish of St. Pancras, with its
vestry of chattering, jangling, loquacious Bumbles, and look at the
state of the parish. These men are the choice of the many; and do
you want to send such men to Parliament ?" If there are any true

oecent treatment for the night. j Reformers, and there must be some in St. Pancras, they will strengthen

She is brought, bemg a prisoner, before Mr. Tyrwhitt ; and, " in j the hands of their friends in Parliament by agitating in the most
the course of the day," the Master of St. Pancras condescends to ; determined manner for a reform in St. Pancras. The united wisdom of
attend. The following conversation ensued:— the assembly of popular representatives there can do no better than

'■ The master said the reason why he did not give orders for the girl's admission \ appoint Some officers who abscond, and others who do still worse,

was because he was not told that she was ' destitute,' only that she wanted a night's namely, stav, and drive houseless girls of sixteen back upon the streets.

° '^Mr! Tyrwhitt. You do not mean to say that when a person is brought by the " Storm," Mr. tyrwhitt. The. best thing that Can happen, A

Police, found in the public streets, without a home, you refuse admission because j storm, as you may nave remarked m walking m your garden, orings
he belongs to a neighbouring parish ? ! out the slug's, and toads, and crawling nuisances; and then they can be

The Master. Wpll nn • if /J«n*«<7. • i l D * i a i f jl • . »'j M LL1-. T________™


M»e^^3e%„n?; <a *■ . v a * , , a ■■ i Picked up "and flung out of the premises. And, if this happens

Mr. 1 yrwhitt. Because the word 'destitution' had not been used, admission ■ t/ri ^ n r t> i • / • 1 j_i,„ '__„+,,,.-- „™0

was refused to a poor— ; St. Pancras, Mr. Punch promises to pick up the creatures that come

" The master, who seemed to treat the matter with great callousness, was about ' forth, and has provided himself With Sl new pair of tongs for the

makin? some remarks when he was told to sit down." purpose. Let us see the crawlers come out.

His callosity sat down accordingly, when Mr. Tyrwhitt inflicted
upon the callous animal and his proprietors the following castigation:—

" He could not help remarking, that the masters of workhouses read Poor Law
Reports and Regulations until they thought of nothing else, and their hearts grew


And therefore once again, and in the interest of humanity, and m
renewed defiance of your myrmidons and minions, Mr. Punch shouts,
stamps, and clatters, in approbation, Mr. Tyrwhitt, of rour out-



A discreet (!) friend having presented Master Tom with a tool-box as a New Year's gift - the furniture is put into thorough repair
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Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Leech, John
um 1859
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1854 - 1864
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 36.1859, January 22, 1859, S. 40