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afril 16, 1859.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. 151


Enraged Proctor. " Sir, you are smoking in the High Street t"

Transatlantic Freshman. " Wa-al, old hoss!—Guess I could ha' told ye-eiv that!'


The following statement in a newspaper correspondent 'a
letter from Boston, U.S., seems to confirm the prevahv.,
belief that our American cousins entertain peculiar ideas on
the subject of morals :—

•' There has been some excitement in Boston for nearly a week, ii i
consequence of some of the Catholic scholars in one of the publ:t
schools refusing to use the Protestant version of the Commandment»
and the Lord's Prayer. Three of the boys who left on account of thai
conscientious scruples have been arrested for larceny, one of then*,
being a Protestant."

The meaning of the latter of the above sentences in con-
nection with the former is open to some question. It may
simply be, that the boys who left the school on account
of their conscientious scruples were subsequently arrested
for picking pockets, from which those scruples did not
restrain them; and that, one of them being a Protestant,
the inference which ought to be drawn is, that a Protestant
as well as a Catholic boy may possibly be a young rogue.
Or the sentence may have been intended to signify that
the boys were arrested on a fictitious charge of larceny,
brought against them from motives of bigotry or intole-
rance, and including the Protestant boy as an incipient
pervert. Or it may imply the fact that they were arrested
on a true charge of larceny; refusal to use the Protestant
versions in question amounting to that offence by the laws
of New England; and one of the juvenile recusants being
actually a Protestant. Or, lastly, perhaps, we are to under-
stand its import to be, that it is larceny in Boston to play
truant, and that the two ordinarily conscientious young
Papists, and the extraordinarily conscientious young-
Heretic, were apprehended for stealing away from school.

On the third and fourth of these suppositions, the insti-
tutions of the United States, or at least those of New
England, are insane. On the second, bigotry in Boston
must be frantic. On the first, the sentence in question
conveys little news, and bears to the preceding one that
simply negative relation which only indicates that its
author was probably an Irish gentleman.

Proverb Improved. — The nearer the Church, the
further you wish the abominable bell.

, rich dragons thev were said to be enamelled. What " hexagonal
A CURE I OR CHINAMANIA. jardinieres" may be, we do not know; nor can wetell if an " eventail"

„ . - . , .,. # T, ,! one be at all like" them. But while ignorance is bliss to us, 'twere folly

The mama for old Chma is by no means a new thing to us. But tobewise. m0re especially when wisdom would be so dearly purchased,
our attention has been recently attracted to a sale, where such ultra- -
maniacal prices are said to have been realised, that we feel impelled to
say six words upon the subject for the purpose, if we can, of checkin.

such insanity. The following quotations of the sums which were
obtained will show the height to which the Chinamania actually has
reached :—•

" A pair of noble sea-green bottles and covers of unusual beauty and brilliancy of
colour, finely painted with flowers, &c., in rare pink, 36 in. high, £57. A matchless
old vase, exquisitely painted with two medallions of figures, the sides embellished
with paintings of flowers indigenous to China, 36 in. high; from Pekin, unique,
69 guineas. A superb old blue vase, finely painted with hunting scenes and scenery,
with elephant's head handles ; also from Pckin and unique, £112. A pair of very
rare old hexagonal vases and covers, surmounted by kylins, beautifully painted
with birds and flowers in delicate borders of pink trellis work, on elaborately carved
stands, 65 in. high, 210 guineas. A pair of magnificent old coffee-ce1 ourcd vases and
covers, richly enamelled with dragons, 48 in. high, £36. A pair of beautiful hexa-
gonal jardinieres, with fruit and flowers in colours, on turquoise and lapis-lazuli
ground, with groups of imitation flowers formed of rare stones, £35 10s. A pair of
beautiful oviform vases, with pierced covers and shoulders of the finest old Sevres,
rare rose du Barri ground, delicatelj' pencilled with gold, each with a group of
«xotic birds, and flowers and fruit, on white medallions, exquisitely painted, date
1755, 25 guineas. A beautiful eventail jardiniere, of the finest old Sevres, delicate
turquoise ground, pencilled with gold and exquisitely painted, with a child, trophies,
birds and flowers, in medallions, £40. A fine old Sevres dessert service, turquoise,
white, and gold, beautifully painted, with cupids and flowers, and richly mounted
with ormolu, consisting of a very handsome centre basket of ormolu, two pairs of
candelabra of ormolu, with figures of cupids and dolphins, and scroll branches for
seven lights each, two pairs of oval compotieres, richly mounted with chased
ormolu ; a set of four fruit bowls, and two sets of four compotieres en suite ; a set of
four coquilles, two plateaux, each with six small cups and covers for cream, and
36 dessert plates, put up in 14 lots, produced £235."

Persons must, we fancy, have much greenness in their eye, if they
can see a something in " a pair of sea-green bottles," which appears
to them worth spending £57 about • and we should rather think that
nobody except a Chinamaniac would ever think of giving six-and-thirty
pounds for a couple of " old coffee-coloured vases and covers," no matter
now " magnificent" an auctioneer might deem them, nor with how many

Were we possessed by Chinamania, there is no saying what we might
give to possess such curiosities; but while we are in our senses, we
shall never dream of paying 210 guineas for the sake of ascertaining
what a "kylin," a " compotiere," or a "coquille" may resemble, nor
of wishing to be one of the fourteen lucky bidders, who between them
paid the sum of £235 for so precious a possession as an old Sevres
dessert service, mounted with cupids and other " fabulous animals,"
whose combined attractions mounted to so fabulous a price.

A Canon.

When a Bishop is sick,

The Parsons are ail hi a slew.
For a vacant bishopric

Is then in the Parsons' view.
The Parsons are all alive,

As soon as the Bishop is dead;
For one of themselves who survive

The Bishop will be in his stead.

A Certain Stomachic.

On reflection, we admit that there is one complaint which Homceo-
pathv will, in the great majority of cases, effectually cure,—loss of
appetite. In this affection, an infinitesimal quantity of any kind ot
food, taken every morning for breakfast, and repeated without addition
at every other meal, will generally accomplish an ultimate, if not rapid,
recovery. _

A Pointless Saying is a fool's Doing.
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