Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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May 28, 1859.]




Coster monger. " Now, Cabby, spare my Warxish ! "


RT^inrvT,,,;. o n-r.rwi r-r>rin-0 a New office is to be established in France, under the title of the

slbjoin&d is a Dooa uou0e .— , Bureau Historique. Its principal duty, of course, will be to record, in

" NEW CENTRAL DEPOT, or Evangelical and other Spiritual Publications, j suitable grandiose language, the future victories of LOUIS NaI'OLEON.

" Paternoster Row (Comer of Ivy Lane). I The principal minister is not yet appointed, but we know of no one

" 3. B. Walker presents his Christian love to Brethren in Christ, and informs I b'.'tter a&Pted for |'!le POSt than alexandre DUMAS. If asked . ior
thein that he has taken—he trusts in faithfulness to the'Lord—the commodious his -qualifications, lie Could say, pointing With pride to IUS 51RXJ
ihop, as above, last occupied by the Pope's Publisher, and purposes opening it for •■ volumes (more Or less) of romances, " Les voila !" The Central office

the rLobrdCation and 8ale °f aU religi0U3 b00ks whivl1 lie believes are leasing to ; is to be fixecl ia paris At firstj ifc was arranged that the principal
" Books ' for necessary uses' iu this life, especially for purposes of education, ciefs of the Bureau were to follow the movements of the army in Italy;
win also be produced. ' but this plan was afterwards overruled by the Emperor himself, with

i "jf^tt?*^8 for Priuthl" and Bindin3'. and Terms for Publishing, sent on very sensible objection that, in matters of historv, everything was
ipp c* on. , jieg^ ^ ^o tjie imag|natjon The writers are to be allowed carte

This notification has appeared in the Bible Reader's Journal, and! blanche to say what they please, so long as it is all in favour of the
several other periodicals. Walker is not the name that figures in the Emperor, and redounds to La Gloire and honour of U ranee. We
original advertisement; the whole of which, however, may be included j advise Thiers to look to his laurels,
under that denomination. The object of the advertiser is* obvious. Of j _
course, he expects a large influx of custom from fast young men, who |

w ill come to inquire for Boxiaua, and other works of a"still less moral ; 3
and religious character, which, when asked for, will promptly " be \ was th **enius ■

produced " ^ ^HE ncerpooi JXbion has a paragraph winch thus commences

Mr. Walker may keep the biography of the Dairyman s Daughter
for the spooney and simple class of customers, but he will probably have
plenty of other lives and adventures in store for readers of the other

If we do Walker injustice by this surmise, it is his own fault, for

The Liverpool Albion has a paragraph

•' A Ship on Fire.—Afire broke out yesterday on board the Thames, Captain
Callkkder, lying in Brunswick Dock."

The account then goes on to describe the progress of the flames,
which, we are happy to say was brief, they having been speedily extin-
puffing his shop in the above example of profane cant, of which any-1 guished. Having expressed our satisfaction at that fortunate issue,
body who is capable may be well supposed to be capable of anything.' j we may perhaps be pardoned for remarking that the Thames has at
______ _____ i length been set on fire,

A Bark from Our Dog Tear'em.

" The Theatre of War."—They are doing such a tremendous
" ^<KAY' ^J1'" asked a Sheffield blade, talking about the Sardinian1 stroke of business at this Theatre, that for the present all compli-
war, " what is your opinion of Italian Independence ?" i mentary admissions are refused, and even the Public Press is

" French Impudence," was Roebuck's reply. ! Susjended.
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