Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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October 8, 1864.]



“ Many an Englishman seems to think he carries with him not only the Privileges and
Immunities of his Country, but the very Customs, Ways of Thought, and all the Circumstances
■of his English life.”—Times.

[However, our esteemed Correspondent found that he did not do so when he attempted to cross the Course
at the Boulogne Races.


There is news from Bohemia
(not the “literary” Bohemia, but
Siiakspeare’s) touching an atro-
city, into the details of which we
have no intention to enter. Enough
to say, that a gallows awaits a ruf-
fian. But in his confession he
stated that he had considered two
alternatives—the crime for which
he is in prison, or the gaining his
living in future by means ofa
Barrel-Organ. It may be edifying
to the idiots who encourage the
organ-scoundrels to know out of
what material the gang is recruited.
This interesting musician-of-the-
future destroyed an old woman,
under most aggravated circum-
stances. Let old women think of
this -when they are going to fee
some grinning, grinding wretch,
who may not have emulated the
Bohemian vagrant in question, but
who, if growm-up, has probably
committed some crime that has
exiled him.

Advance in Astronomy.

Among the Papers read at the
British Association there was one
on “ The Invisible Part of the
Moon’s Surface.” Eor all that
appears to the contrary, that side
of our Satellite, at least, may be
made of green cheese.

Sporting Intelligence.— A

Ball-cock hi a cistern does not
come under the head of water-fowl.


“ Let’s make the encyclical letter as pleasant as possible,” quoth
Cardinal Antonelli.

“ Pacts are stubborn things,” observed his Holiness.

“ ‘ The Archbishop op Warsaw has been torn from his see-’ ”

<c There’s a joke there,” said his Eminence, “ if you’d only allow-■”

“ Vade retro— no, I mean verge, perge.—Hear me! how I am for-
getting my Latin,” said his Holiness, sotto voce.

“ That comes of hearing so much Prench spoken about the place,”
grumbled the Cardinal.

The Pope refreshed himself with a pinch of snuff. His Eminence
proffered his own box.

“ Allow me, your Holiness, to assist you-”

“ At a pinch ? ” enquired the amiable Pontiff, jocosely. “ Let us
•continue. What was the last word F ”

“ ‘ Prom his see,’ ” read Antonelli.

. “ Ah ! ‘ The Archbishop has been torn from his see, and the admi-
nistration of his diocess has been placed in the hands of one Paul
Kzeyonski.’ ”

Antonelli chuckled. Pius the Ninth inquired what it was that
so tickled his fancy P

“ I see how we might put that, and get some fun out of it.”

“ Pun! ” exclaimed his Holiness.

“ Yes. The Church has been despoiled—”

“ C’est vrai—I mean Id verum estsaid the Pope, correcting him-

“ And this Russian Paul is in receipt of the Archbishop’s revenues.
Is it not so ? ”

“ It is.”

“ Very good: then we’d better pleasantly tell the Czar that this is
merely Robbing Peter to pay Paul.”

Pius the Ninth touched a silver hand-bell.

“ Cardinal Antonelli’s carriage stops the way,” announced the
tallest of the Swiss in attendance.

After the usual ceremony his Eminence withdrew.

Then, left to himself, his Eminence penned the encyclical letter.

Michaelmas Grammar.—To Correspondent.—The Singular Number
of The Portuguese is a Portugoose.


An Association under the foregoing title has been formed for the
purpose of enabling persons endowed with a hearty appetite, to gratify
it without incurring the penalty of corpulence, too generally consequent
on its indulgence.

The undertaking contemplated by this Society is that of establishing
Dining Halls and Refreshment Rooms, at which the bill of fare shall be
framed on the dietetic principles recommended by Mr. Banting.

The Banting Restaurant Company will devote its earnest attention
to the preparation of viands which, whilst excluding, as much as pos-
sible, saccharine, farinaceous, and oleaginous matters, shall nevertheless
administer, in the highest degree compatible with the absence of those
savoury substances, to the pleasures of the palate.

Leading Professors of Chemistry and Gastronomy have been engaged
to unite their efforts in the invention of Dishes which shall answer the
purpose which the Company has in view. By the aid of these scientific
gentlemen, the Directors of the Banting Restaurant Company con-
fidently trust to enable the gourmand to combine enjoyment with
gracility, and whilst, as the popular phrase is, playing a good stick, to
preserve a good figure.

They have not the slightest doubt that the profits of the Company
will exceed cent, per cent.

The Capital of the Banting Restaurant Company consists of
£10,000,000, in Shares of One Shilling each, of which half the amount
has been paid up, and the remainder may be sent to 85, Fleet Street.

Natural Q/uestion.

Mr. G. H. What,lf.y, M.P., in fact, “ Whalley the Wise,” is to
take charge of the vessel to be presented to Garibaldi ! Is it a donkey-
frigate ? ____


Respect everybody’s feelings. If you wish to have your laundress’s
address, avoid asking her where she “ hangs out.”

City Intelligence.—We read, in a great aldermanic authority, that
“ a dinner is on the tapis.” The tapis alluded to is, of course, Gob’lin F
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