Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ng mattang, j’elty dong Paree,

Ay trisler, je regardy
Le purple kee se promenay
Le long dew Bully vardy.

Je fumy ay je ravy, may
Partoo l’onwee se trouvy;

Avec une petty tube de pyle
De tongs ong tong, je buvy.

Assee devong le caffy, done,

Je buvy ay je fumy,

Ay j’admiray le joly mond,

Les elegong costumy.

Tongto, e’etait ung deputay
Lisong le Charryvarry ;

Tongtote une dam de kalitay
Kee sortay song song marry.

Epwee day fam de tute espayce
Ong tray grand varietty—

Des actreece, ay day fam dew mond,

Day bonn, ay day grisetty:

Kelks etty june, lcelks etty viell,

Ay kelks, nee l’ung nee l’oty;

May tutes avvy Pair contong d’ellmaym—
Ay If reste avvy tute la beautay.

Epwee Messiew les Etudiong,

Tray sal, ay tray mal painyay,

Ay kee sortay de n’amport oo,

(Excepty de se bainyay).

Tongtote oon belle voiture, epwee
Une villang viel fiark, ay
Ung Mossoo, faisong sauty song
Ckeval, poor ayt remarkay.

Ay cette viell mair, ay cet view pair
^ Etay plew respectarble

Ke presker tute les abitongs
De cette grond veal dew diarble.

Alors, je pongsay a la pkeel
__ (Ay bowkoo je regretty)

Ke j’avvy laissy dairyair mwaw
(Portong le nong ae Betty).

Au souvenir de ma sberee,

May pulsationg se katy;

L’amoor saccray de la patree
Causay mong cure de batty.

Appelay veeter le garsong,

Ay dear: “ Combiang pa couty P ”

Ay donny der soo poor lweemaym
C’est l’affaire d’une minuty.

Payay la note exorbitong
A l’komme oo je demuray—

Pronder le Shmang-de-fair-dew-Nord—•
C’est l’affaire d’ung card’ury.

Aprays oon tray grossiay passarge
Ay tute malard ke j’etty,

Je coury met mong pover cure
Aux pover piay de Betty.

“ Ob vullyvoosayter mong ebair fam ?
Oh vullyvoosayt ? repondy !”....

Ay sa reponse affirmateeve,

C’est l’affaire d’une secondy!

Car Betty, e’etty une see bonne pkeel’,
La meillewer pkeel dew monder !

Ay Betty, e’etty la plew belle pbam
De Bloomsbury, a Louder!

Ne soyydoncpar bowkoo sewerprees,
See voo voyay parayter

2 jollypettygarsongs dew maim arge
Dongs 1 perambulator.

Epwee, partoo des militairs!

0 tempora ! 0 mory! .

Kelks etty view, kelks etty june,

May tutes etay decory.

Ongfang le Pranks Ampayrial,

Song pair, ay tute sa sweeter,

Assee sewer une bong petty ckeval
Kee n’ally par tro veeter.

Kong sudang, s’offrit a may ziew
Croisong de l’oter coty,

Ung pair, une mair, une belle june feel,
De may compatrioty.

La mair avay day blongs ckevew,

La pkeel, day ckevew dory;

Le pair n’ong avvy pardertoo.

Ay parissay se bory.t

Le pair portay song pairaplwee.

La mair say jewpongs porty :

La pkeel ne porty reangdertoo
Elle avait ung escorty.

Car, plang d’amoor, a coty d’elle
Etait ung tray distangy ....

0, kang it! wkat’s tke Erenckfor “swell ?”
And wkat’s tke rkyme for “ angy ? ”

Elle sombly bowkoo aymay lwee;

II parissay s’adory!

0 fortunatos nimiurn
Si sua bona mri(nt)!

Hay biang, cette coople amoroo,

Ke tute le mond regardy,

Etay plew bel ke tute le mond
Sewer tute la Bullyvardy.

* Our contributor has informed us that some of his French poems (including,
we believe, this one) have lately been declined, with thanks, by the Revue des
Deux Mondes and other French periodicals. This may perhaps account for the
slightly bitter tone of his muse towards our lively neighbours,
t Se borer is not French—s'ennuyer is the correct expression.—Ed.

“ A LEG UP.”

The success of Signor Donato causes us to make tke following
suggestion to tke Opera Company Limited. Tkere is many a poor
disabled soldier wko, having been in bis younger days considered as one
armed, can now, alas ! only be looked upon as one-legged, and wko,
being unable either to enter tke body of Commissionnaires or Chelsea
Hospital, is, for tke space of three years, kept alive by tke sixpence-
a-day generosity of a grateful country. Now, could not these honest
fellows be utilised in a ballet to support Donato, and, wkat is more to
tke purpose, support themselves ? Come, Limited Company, just turn
tke matter over in your Limited Company’s mind. We would suggest
a marine subject for tke ballet. Call it “ The Limpets; oi', Go it, yt
Cripples.” The management might make a large fortune out of this
notion, and would only have to go to a little legstra expense.

A Tight Fit.—Intoxication.
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