Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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February 11,



Amelia. “Oh, Julia, it’s no use Working Slippers for him, and Mamma says she is sure he don’t want Braces; so what must

we do to save him from Marrying out of the Parish !”


Great children playing at Roman Catholics are capable of quarrelling
as well as small children at play likewise or otherwise. It is said that
Brother or Father Ignatius and the Rev. G. A. Hillyard have
fallen out, and that the breach which has occurred between them is
widening. According to a report of these gentlemen’s ecclesiastical
amusements, the companions of Mr. Hillyard are associated in the
congregation of St. Lawrence, Norwich. Brother Ignatius’s play-
mates are combined in the English order of St. Benedict. The Hill-
yardites and the English Benedictines constitute two hostile camps, as
boys do at prison-base. Whilst the Hdlyard fellows last week were
dancing at the Free Library, the Benedictine chaps, headed by their
priest, the Rev. G. J. Ouseley, were doing penance barefoot to avert
the supernatural consequences of the dishonour which they considered
that Mr. Hillyard’s dancing flock were inflicting on the name of the
M artyr, their patron Saint, by capers which may, to be sure, be looked
upon as characteristic of goats rather than sheep. The chapel and altar
] of the mock-monastery were hung in black, and the make-believe, or
rather make-disbelieve, shrine was veiled in ditto. Brother Ignatius
preached a sermon, wherein he “ protested against the dancing party
as mixing up the religion of Christ with the service of the Devil.”
He represented the Devil as “ trying to uproot a great and good work
by mixing up tares with the wheat.” By tares Ignatius must be sup-
posed to^ have meant the dancers, whom, by so calling tliein, he affiliates
on the Evil One. St. Lawrence, however, can hardly be offended with
dancing votaries, or feel himself insulted by a polka, when there is a
St. Vitus’s dance, worse than any other.

In further deprecation, however, of the ire of St. Lawrence, the
monks sang the 51st Psalm to a wailing chant, prostrated themselves
Pelore the altar, recited the seven penitential psalms, and then had their
heads powdered with ashes by their priest, after which “ compline”
was said behind, the screen, without music. We can only wish success
to the steps which the English Benedictines took to atone for the other
steps taken by the Hillyardites.

The narrative whence the foregoing particulars are derived, concludes

with the remark that “when the present rigour of the weather is con-
sidered, the barefoot penances of Brother Ignatius must be regarded
as no joke.” Certainly, playing at monks is no child’s play when the
players of that game are grown-up persons; but if they were actually
children of tender years, the mildest consequences of playing it just now
would be chilblains. Ignatius and his monks, however, are proof
against at least those puerile affections. So they renounce stockings,
as though stockings were works of the demon, and sport sandals, which
of course they deem sanctified things if made of wood and leather
straps, though they anathematise those which consist of white satin.
Still, since they affect sandals after a fashion, they should not, one
would think, object to dancing, but rather practise it, in order to make
an edifying display of their ankles. For that purpose, as they condemn
dancing, they might resort to an exercise which for them would have,
the advantage of being of a penitential nature. Suppose the monks of
the British order of St. Benedict all go skating, and air their sandalled
and stockingless feet on the ice.

Oxbridge University Intelligence.

The Boden Professor will lecture on Cicero’s Oratory and the
Oratory of Brompton.

At the Taylor Institution there will be lectures on the Habits of the

The Professor of Political Economy will lecture on the “Theory of
Rent.” The text for bis first discourse will be “ Don’t you wish you
may get it.”

The Margaret Professor will, every Tuesday and Thursday evening,
during the ensuing Term, give “ Woman, Lovely Woman,” as a toast.

At Corpus there will be the usual lectures on Bantingism.

The Professor of Logic will give lectures on his own premises.

The Extradition of Criminals.—“A Hungry Pauper” inquires
whether they have the extra dish because they are criminals.
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