Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Mrs. Alderman Saltash and Daughters {in chorus). “ Good Gracious, ’Pa ! you’re not going with us in those -! !”

Mr. Alderman Saltash. “My dears, I’m ‘ ong raygle,’ I assure yer!”


We have often of late had. long and elaborate articles in the Papers
under , this heading. They might be compressed into one sentence.
Egyptian Finance is for the Pasha to take all he can get, and quarrel
for the rest. Ismail’s real revenue is black mail, levied indiscriminately
on all the Pasha’s subjects, and all other Egyptian residents whom he can
plunder with impunity.

As the Pasha never pays a debt, he is naturally disgusted with the
Consular Courts, which are the only Courts in Egypt rude enough
to give judgment against the Pasha in suits by the Pasha’s creditors,
lie therefore proposes to alter the capitulations under which these
Courts exist. There is nothing wonderful in that. What is wonderful,
considering that the British is the most respectable and independent of
all the Consular Courts, and that many of the Pasha’s principal creditors
are English subjects is, that Lord Stanley, should be in favour of the
alteration. It is meant to make the Pasha independent, he says. We
don’t exactly see why he should be made independent of law and justice,
and that is the. independence he most values, and can most safely rely
on Courts of his own to secure for him.

Spinsters of Arts.

In his scheme for the establishment of a Ladies’ College, somewhere
between London and Cambridge, Mr. Llewelyn Davies proposes to
take as a model the Cantabridgian “ poll” examination. Very good ;
only the ladies, with their fondness for diminutives, will be sure to
turn “ poll ” into “ Polly.”

on D1T.

The Music Hall Comic Singers are about to publish A Plea for


. Commenting on Mr. Monk’s Bill for the removal of the electoral
disabilities of revenue officers, the Post observes :—

“ We know that the Commissioners of Inland Itevcnue object to their
officers having even any religious opinions.”

For that matter there is no difference between the Inland Revenue
and the Excise and Customs. Now the Commissioners of Inland
Revenue, some of them being Scotchmen, are doubtless familiar with
the celebrated song of Roeert Burns, relating how :—

“ The de’il cam’ fiddling through the town,

And danced awa’ wi’ the Exciseman.”

It is easy to see why they should wish their subordinates to be free-
thinkers. Not believing in the personage named by Burns, those
officers will never be deterred from doing their work by any fear that
he will dance away with the Collector of Income-Tax.

A Woman’s Question and Answer.

The reason assigned by men why women ought not to have votes is
in fact a woman’s reason—because they oughtn’t. Unless, indeed, you

Why shouldn’t females vote as well as males ?

Because the women don’t push down Park pales.

legitimate complaint.

The Ritualists separate the sexes in Church. Paterfamilias writes
to a paper complaining of this. He has been in the habit of sitting by
his wife for twenty-five years, “ and who,” he piteously asks, “ is,
under the new plan,'to pinch me when I snore out at the stupid sermon ?”
The clergy ought to see to this

Advice by a Reasonable Abstainer.—Stick to dry wine.
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