Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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July 9, 1870.]



' ingly, Mb. Cabdwell gave reply which has been properly described
PUNCH'S ESSENCE OF PARLIAMENT. [as unsatisfactory. Questioned again later in the week, he said that

the Duke of Cambridge considered that the order in the Queen's
Regulations on the subject of marches had been violated, and H.B.H.
had caused his disapprobation to be signified to the officers who were
in command. We shall probably not hear of another case of the kind,
but it seems hard that soldiers should be put to death in order
to induce officers to read and understand documents prescribing duty.

Monday, June 27. This day the nation lost a veteran and valuable
servant. The Earl of Glabendon, the Foreign Secretary, expired,
after a very brief illness. He had been in his place in the House of
Lords on the previous Thursday. Lobd Glabendon, who united the
character of a warm-hearted man and an accomplished diplomatist,

deserved the love of_______________"___As matter of his.

his friends and the
gratitude of his coun-
try. Lobd Gban-
ville, as his col-
league, the Duke of
Richmond, as the
leader of Opposition,
and Lobd Deebt,
as his predecessor in
office, to-night bore
the warmest tribute
to his memory; and
Lobd CowLEY.vainly
essaying words, tes-
tified more eloquent
homage by emotion.
Lobd Clabendon
was a patriot of the
" old Whig " type,
and an honour to a
party whose mem-
bers, few in number,
and not " popular,"
are, for the most part,
high-minded English

tory, Mr. Punch re-
cords that the exca-
vations for the foun-
dations of the New
Law Courts are to
be commenced at an
early period. By the
way, there ought to
be a "find" of cu-
riosities, coins, and
so forth. People in
charge are hereby re-
quired to keep a good
look-out. Mr. Punch
dropped a sixpence,
witti a hole in it, some-
where thereabouts, ip
1849. The finder may
bring it to the office,
and shall receive for
it two copies of the
current number.

We then took the
Education Bill, and
battled thereon until

gentlemen Lobd /.JffifeW i one in the morning

Gean ville has taken lf|Eii»f/# i Three divisions, and

the duties of the HffipmJ W r /lvlk*r Wl^^^^^^WM9'''i^m" large majorities for

heTeld?n 1851-2 ^SS^W^T^&J ^ ^^L^l'^^Bf^HBB^E Government,

and Lobd Kimbek- mSjj W\K^^^^^Jmm^m^^^^^^^0Jk ST&M^^; Tuesday. The Lords

ley Privy Seal, will '■H^p™| W^-mSWuKm WmrW^mB^^^ MW=^ worked hard at the

probably be the new Ml Jfflggr-^ffini Mm W^WmmS:...., -^ifl Land Bill. Lobd

Colonial Secretary. f/S-W^ M > \:^^a^^^Eg^^^~ Malmesbuey called

one of the clauses a

Peeling would have
induced their Lord-
i-hipsto suspend busi-
ness for the time, but.
they did better, and
aonoured their de

" humbug," and pro-
tested against noble-
men being "dra-
gooned into silence."'
Nevertheless, the Bill
went through Com-

parted friend as a S^S^L-^mmM&^M ^^J^M^^^^^E^&l^^^=i=^^^^^^^M mittee> thti j?A.K1L.0J

true man would wish
to be honoured—they
attended to duty.
The Irish Land Bill

Leiteim finishing
the debate with a
declaration of his
total and entire dis-

was again discussed Ijg^gS^^g^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ / 'HZT^ satisfaction with the

in Committee. More
alterations were car-
ried, whereon we shall
hear the Peemiee at
a later date. Black-
wood says he will
"bluster." As that
will be his very first

performance in that line, we shall certainly attend
to hear how he acquits himself of a task so utterly
foreign to his nature, that only on such authority
can we believe he will make the endeavour. Some-
times things are called by wrong names. The ex-
hibition of legitimate anger is not bluster, and
"anger is one of the sinews of the soul, and he
that hath it not," continues good old Me. Ftjlleb,
" hath a maimed mind " which quotation, besides
being interesting, is instructive as showing that
the soul and the mind are one, according to old
Me. Pulleb.

Me. J. B. Smith gave notice that he meant to
try and insert in the Education Bill a provision
that, after the 1st of July, 1877, no person shall
vote at an election unless he can write his name
and address, in presence of a witness. Members \ gf1
"laughed." Can they tell us why ?

To question as to the late fatal result of certain { THE WITCH.

Marches on which soldiers were set walking, .

heavily laden, while the sun shone down scorch- . (ancient and modern specimen.)

proceedings, and of
his opinion that the
Bill had been dic-
tated by Extreme
7;^Z|^~E5^^-^^^ Bancour against, the
=^^i|i|lli2?i||j§^^== ; landlords. "Laugh-

I ter," add the re-

---' porters.

Some clever person has done the Admiralty out
of £2,233 9s. He wrote to say that he would
accept that sum in commutation of his pension.
With exquisite courtesy and promptitude the Ad-
miralty acceded to his terms, and sent him the
money. He had no pension to sell. The autho-
rities have ordered an investigation. The bold
and lucky gentleman is said to have gone to
America, but there is no doubt that he will send
back the money, by return of post, if it be ex-
plained to him that he has no right to keep it.
To doubt this would be to distrust human nature,
which is a very wrong thing to do.

More Education debate, and then a well-received,
but to-be-postponed scheme by Lord Sandon, for
establishing Parochial Councils for the regulation
of Divine Worship. Me. Gladstone spoke
favourably of the idea, but thought that it was
enough to entertain the general principle. When
we come to details, we hope that power will be
given to the Councils to "invite" sundry clergy



The witch
Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio


Bildunterschrift: (Ancient and modern specimen.)





Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Sambourne, Linley
um 1870
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1860 - 1880
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Hexe <Motiv>
Damenmode <Motiv>
Ähnlichkeit <Motiv>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 59.1870, July 9, 1870, S. 11