Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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April 9, 1881.]




will tell you that the Doves offers unchallenged
adaptability for " billing and cooing." A Member
of the Kyrle Society would revel in the place—for
a consideration.

The Oil Mills.—Another pretty riverine retreat
rich with suggestive savours. Famous as the
Head-Quarters of the Peace Society. On the day
of the race the Members of the Association will
celebrate the event by throwing oil on the waters
—when none is looking. At this point the crisis
of the contest will take place. Here Oxford will
either lead or fall into the second place. If the
cognoscenti are right in this conjecture, the Can-
tabs may be confidently expected to spring to the
front, or to rest satisfied with a less prominent
Preliminary,—''Be in time" should be the golden )■ ^f^^^^^^^t^ JpS? position. Betting 20 to 1 on the winner !

rule. As the contest is fixed to come off before 'j^fffi'«WK' *^/mK Obstruction No. 1.—A barge! Idleness, Im-

any one is up, you had better not go to bed on the MfM j Wr** pndenee, and Ignorance found in the same boat,

previous evening. By this means you will secure ( , k / gf- Obstruction No. 2.—A tub (as Mr. Toole would

a very good place. > o doubt you will find plenty j&rf • £ / ffcT say) "tub be sure!" The persons connected with

of room on the towing-path a little before three m*\JjL*f fv»]U this tub richly deserve a good towelling !

a.m. on the morning, lou may saiely invest m i >// %, ^ i . . t . ? , a

this bank - there is no chance of its breaking. W^X^O I ifeKl Chiswick Ait.-Kvi&m opportunity for saying

Or, if you prefer it-you can make yourself really ^ ^ *WW* ^thm» vastly amusing about one of the

comfortable by camping out on some one else's WfcWL^ jfelfXfe Fi^t F-°i in^ance-the %ht left behmd-

property. AH you will have to do in this instance $foV$j3r (fk WyM i ChlsTk H ' /°kf ™ch as this may be

is to get an easy couch and a foot-warmer. You M VW, « JEN fef £ad.e. £j the reel not only by Scotchmen but by

can take the latter from anywhere, and the Police Vj wf 7 yMS, Englishmen also. ,•*,/-,.

will supply the hot water! >l II ' / MV BIXI _ CoPleV ^each -—On a recent occasion Lord Chief

The Start.-The earliness of the hour will pro- ' v /W\4i M JliSt1CeS^^n t0 P 7halth-e

bably drive away the old fog-eys-they will not fc^C) J| \ftS(£f celebrated Mr- Cokney Gkain was ? _ It is

be mW/ By permission of the Dean of Arches Ff2, , fl^S scarcely necessary to point out that here his Lord-

(seated officiaUy on Putney Bridge) the boats will \ : gk - ^ r^W77 sh-1^-C0V|d %asily fiSd °$ ?rvhmlsef Pm£?

be ordered to pull away by the Bishop of London. | JS? • £ M \ wltVTn th~ Corneyr?each ! ^ ery f*teT^mmS1"

To emphasise the command, his Lordship will take *\XfSl *<Pi 'sStJP aS ?r' Oeossmith would observe, if

a Canon charged under the Church Discipline Act ^i* "1"P* cfuestloned on the matter.

—and let him of.' This "bang" maybe safely Imi i ~ ^ yi'; Barnes Bridge— Scene of one of the cruellest

relied upon. Original remark to make when the H7M]k5\o M'1 V ,<| outrages of modern times. Each of the University

boats take the water—" They 're off ! " As the h '\M ' J'$B coxswains will here shoot the bridge ! Verdict of

betting men would say, "A case of taken and 4:M§ gy^ \p:JX> % Public, on noticing that neither gentleman m

offered.! " , I -J 9 Xj^Zf^^p? ^Ky^i ^is flanne^s is wearing jewellery—" Not Guilty !

Tie Star and Garter.—Blue Riband of the Wf JfS^M^^a M^vA The Brewery.—Conveniently situated near a

Thames kept here in watered silk. Appropriate W 'T /// (Ml % Malt Lake, or, as it is incorrectly spelt nowadays,

title to be used after lunch for this hostelry (from f I f -. vX\ / WM fr " Mortlake." Recognition of the Crews by the

which the race commences), " Gar and Starter." § //, ym. ^vev?s- Son? of welcome of the Chief Tapster on

Craven Cottage.—At this point one of the repre- f ' 11 fr$V \ no\\Q'^s the heated complexions of the coxswains

sentatives of the Dark Blue will show signs of 4 I ftliT«4*H — _Oh,jruddier than the beery I

fear. To encourage him his coxswain will observe, x\ ^JMmT ^Tmh . The Frnis]l {added by Mr. Punch''s own par-
" We mustn't have a cow-ard from Oxon ! " The l$h R^^l itcular Prophet).—Is it necessary to state how
crew will pause to indulge in mirth. The stroke J?k <^M$i^ \'l rA; the ?reat contest will end? No! a thousand
will advise his comrades to take it easy. The Cam- i&| \$PL times no ! for idle curiosity should never be en-
bridge eight will consequently disappear. The WmL WM C0UTSL^! ^nd yet it is so obvious, so self-
Oxford stroke hereupon will observe, "We have fwh- \f/ ''^L evident tnat one of the Blues must win, that it
missed them! Well, we are getting on! Amiss [Mjt* V1*' C'^V seems almost cruel to withhold what (by proper
is as good as a mile." " As a smile," the coxswain /{fl=kr^ manaoement) maY be valuable information. Then
will retort, as he attempts to control his laughter. KfCj t^ie- s.ecret s^ial1 be revealed. Away with techni-
And on they will go again! Wmw' I n calities! Away with professional jargon about

The Crab Tree—First pause of the Cambridge ffl»#- ' . , ^l^3l| "clean feathering," " sliding-seats," and the rest
eight under the spreading boughs of the Crab Tree. OjV/7 * \ A ofo.lt!, 1^. a case such as this one word will
Ten minutes aUowed for refreshments and catch- J?; // X2^P^A sumce ! Either Oxford or Cambridge ? earn-
ing crabs ! Oxford will subsequently join in the /yn A ^S>^ "f^^ bridge or Oxford ? Yes: for a dead heat is
piscatorial amusement. How to catch crabs ? I ^SicM^OSfe^U® ^xt to imP0SSlble' The lssues are narrowed.
With a heavy feather ' / S^^O^PW^^^^l' li ^s ^ to be ? I will tell you ! As sure as I

The Soap Worlcs.-On reaching these magnifi- '// frMS&^WU Y* &m wri*in^-.as surei W Point °"f ^ot< aTsT e?ss Ze

cent buddings both erews wdl stop spell-bound i^M^¥^J^ t$gl' Tfdf, °f-i^e great Inter-Lmversity

by the sublimity of the prospect before them. The f&^^^^^^^PI Boat-Race of 1881 be-'

Press-steamer will then approach and supply both -^^^^^^^^g^^^^^^P)|r {Continued in our next.)
teams with plenty of soap. The sliding seats
having by this means been sufficiently lubricated,
the race will start afresh. Motto of the Cockney
spectators stationed in front of the Soap Works,
>fSo-'appy ! " '

Hammersmith Bridge—As usual, the coign of
vantage will be reserved for the police. The
stall-sellers will, however, declare that the posi-
tion brings a coin of 'vantage to nobody. Good
thing to say of the aspect of the river from here—
" a view by Constable."

The Doves.—The most charming spot on the
Thames ! The sweetest of public-houses—the most
coquettish of taverns ! Capitally suited for a poet
enjoying his honeymoon. Advertisers and .lovers

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