Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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February 9, 1884.]





It will be observed that Claude and Peter Paul are looking at their Canvasses when their Eyes ought to be intent

on their Palettes—and vice versa !


Scene—The Outside of St. Stephen’s Shore.

All in to begin ! ” There’s been huge preparation ;

A hundred rehearsals at least have been tried.

Of talent you ’ll find a most rare combination !

Magnificent Company! Just step inside!

Whoop ! All the old favourites smarter than ever,

With new parts that fit them right down to the ground.

A troop of true “ Stars ” more prodigiously clever
Are not in the whole of the Fair to be found.

Walk up! Just in time ! just in time, friends ! Ao waiting !

New properties got up regardless of cost!

Just step up and prove ’tis the truth I am stating !

Now, Gentlemen, now ! there’s no time to be lost.
Tremendous attractions ! Most startling sensations !

Entirely new piece by an Eminent Hand!

Press teems with most flattering recommendations;

Gus Harris not in it this time, understand!

The “ Stars” will walk round, Gen-tle-men, on the platform.

Now then! Rub-a-dub ! rub-a-dub ! rub-a-dub !

Ah, where will you look for an equal to that form ?

From Will with the chopper to Will with the club,

They are simply first-chop. Look at Joey. Just twig him !

Most artful, elastic, and cheeky of Clowns,

Our rivals endeavour to slate and to w(h)ig him;

But can’t we just trust him to pull in the browns ?

Rootle-too ! _ Awful combat twixt Virtue and villainy.

Bandit a little bit small, but what odds ?

If the Public have liking for pluck, cheek, and skill any,
Randy must fetch them, he ’ll. bring down the “ gods.”

Two up, and two under ! The midget’s a wonder !

Lord ! how he lays on like a pocket Macduff !

And though Wirtuous Well will down on him like thunder,
At least he ’ll allow that his foeman has stuff.

Then, rehat a Strong Man ! Twig his midriff and muscle !

Before that big grip, that Herculean club,

The Snappingest Turtle must quail in the tussle.

The true Modern Milo, Sirs ! Rub-a-dub-dub !

Our dark Heavy Villain the Cockneys call thrillin’,

He’s really A 1 at the scowl and the cloak,

And if there’s an opening for sneering or killin’,

He ’s always on hand with the snarl or the stroke.

Whoop! Harlequin ! Talk about smart transformations,
Just see what our Charley can do in that style!

See, Slum-dwelling, reeking with a-bom-i-na-tions !

Hey presto! The trim little villa fronts smiie !

Then look at our genuine genial Old ’Un!

No peace of his life, the dear worthy old joker,

Along of jimp Joey, that brazen, bad, bold ’un,

Who’s always somewhere near his rear with the poker
Then, if you like anything Nautchy and Coptic,

Cast eyes on our Puss-Hee, licks Sara as Sphinx !

Mr. Long could not paint you a black almond optic
To wipe Puss-Hee’s eye at soft smiles or sly winks.

And, if you’ve a fancy for dark necromancy,

Our Northampton Bogey-Ghost-Banshee- But there!

His chance of success seems a leetle bit “ chancy,”

So let’s leave him out of the fun of the fair.

Now you with, the gong, if you ’ll just stop that banging,
The Public,—and bless ’em !—may hear my remarks.
Whoop ! Just going in! Bar Hibernian slanging,

John Bull may look out for exceptional larks.

Walk up ! Leading Actor, though older, is grander,

^ And seems in the merriest possible pin.

The season’s success under such a commander
Looks promising ! Walk up ! All in to begin !

The New Oath.—The Conservatives swear “by Jingo!”
ultra-Radicals “ by George ! ”

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