Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Editor]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 5.2012

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Editor's Note
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Editor's Notę


The maxims engraved on the spoon handles, which make them an interesting testimony
to ancient customs, attest to the fact that these spoons were something morę than merely
everyday objects, while their decoration in the form of heraldic and figurative motifs help to
establish their place in the overall process of development of artistic styles.

At the beginning of 2013, on the 150th anniversary of the January Uprising (1863),
we particularly remember Artur Grottger. It is not without significance that the National
Museum in Kraków houses a representative collection of his works and in the past years
has held as many as four exhibitions devoted to the creative output of this artist. In the new
issue of Papers, Aleksandra Krypczyk discusses Grottgers role in the consolidation of the
mythologised image of the Polish woman as a “priestess of the national religion - patriotism”
in the collective consciousness of the Poles. The woman in black from the national mourn-
ing period remained for a long time an unparalleled role model, which was undoubtedly
influenced by Grottgers suggestive artistic vision.

It is impossible to forget that the impetus for the creation of the National Museum in Kra-
ków was the fiftieth anniversary of Józef Ignacy Kraszewskis writing career (1879). 4he mu-
seum houses both a significant collection of works of art by Kraszewski and his memorabilia,
which justifies the attention that we devote to the person of this outstanding writer, historian
and patriot, celebrating the bicentenary of his birth this year. The article by Monika Paś dis-
cusses the album donated to Kraszewski on his name day - 19 March 1874 - by young positiv-
ist writers centred around Aleksander Świętochowski and Przegięci Tygodniowy [Weekly Re-
view], The album, which comprises a collection of photographic portraits, is now preserved in
the Department of Decorative Art and Materiał Culture of the National Museum in Kraków.

Remaining in the circles of the nineteenth-century Museum, let us also mention Halina
Marcinkowskas report referring to the study on Feliks lasieński and his activity as a collec-
tor, which was published in the third volume of Papers. Although Jasieńskis musical pas-
sions are well known (he undertook individual studies in this area and took up composing;
Krakows intellectual and artistic elite appreciated his piano interpretations, especially of
Frederic Chopins pieces), his activities as a publisher of contemporary musie eluded the at-
tention of the researchers.

One of the most famous Gothic paintings from the collections of the National Museum in
Kraków, freąuently reproduced and discussed in the specialist literaturę, is The Coronation of
Mary. The painting, in a reliąuary frame comes from the Chapel of the Furriers by St. Mary s
Church in Kraków. Ingrid Flor and Wojciech Marcinkowskis report is an attempt to identify
the source of the iconography used in this image. Another surprising element is the text by
Alicja Kilijańska and Wojciech Marcinkowski about the silver Madonna from the Wrocław
town hall, a work created around 1420. Even though the Madonna was exhibited twice in
the past half-century, it is considered missing in the latest literaturę on the subject. The work,
though mutilated, survived World War II and the post-war turmoil, so tragic for the monu-
ments of Lower Silesia, and is preserved in the Department of Decoratiye Art and Materiał
Culture of the National Museum in Kraków.

The last report, by Bożena Kostuch, is a commentary on this years exhibition of works
by Leszek Dutka, a doyen of Krakows artistic community. The exhibition, organized in
the Main Building of the National Museum in Kraków as part of the uLiving Gallery” series,
presented both ceramic sculptures from the 1960s and 1970s, which brought the artist criti-