Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 24.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 105 (December, 1901)
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The Temple Bronte, in twelve volumes. (London : able to explain that the work of the Siena Masters
J. M. Dent & Co.) Price is. 6d. net per volume, had no relation to that of the modern pavement
—This series includes Jane Eyre, Shirley, Villette artists of London, but consisted of the inlaying of
and The Professor by Charlotte Bronte, Wild- coloured marbles upon the floor of the great
fell Hall by Anne Bron te, Withering Heights Cathedral of Siena. The author has more par-
by Emily Bronte, and a collection of Poem1; by ticularly confined his attention to a description of
various members of the Bronte family. It is the examples there existing, the pictorial character

of which places them, to our thinking,
among the numerous specimens of mis-
applied art to be seen in Italy as well as
elsewhere. When considered as examples
of graffito and inlay, and not as floor
covering, the Siena pavements become un-
doubtedly more attractive, and may be
studied to advantage by the modern wall
decorator, especially if he confines his atten-
tion to their peculiar technical qualities
which are indeed worthy of admiration.
Progressive Design for Students, written
by T- Ward and published by Chapman

drawing by charles robinson from " reign of king cole . ,, , .

(dent) & Hall, at 55. net, is a really admir-

able little work for the would-be decora-
tive designer. The chapter devoted to
issued in the dainty fashion and with the good Brush-drawing is of especial excellence and value to
taste common to the productions of its publishers, the student. Plant and Floral Studies, by W. G.
and is sure to gain the popularity it deserves. Paulson Townsend (London and New York :

A Midsummer Night's Dream.—By William Truslove, Hanson & Comba), is full of powerful line-
Shakespeare. (London: Freemantle & Co.) In drawings of plant-form that may worthily be taken as
addition to a chatty introduction Mrs. Herbert models of how rightly to treat the subject. Messrs.
Railton has supplied a number of dainty drawings George Bell & Sons have commenced a"Minia-
which add considerably to the attractive-
ness of the book.

From the numerous handbooks re-
lating to the Arts and Crafts which are
now being or about to be published,
it may be inferred that the public are
becoming more alive to the advantages
of an artistic training than was the case
a few years ago. Mr. W. R. Lethaby
is editing an " Artistic Crafts Series
of Technical Handbooks," to be pro-
duced by John Hogg of London. The
first volume, which has already ap-
peared, relates to Bookbinding and the
Care of Books, and is written by Mr.

Douglas Cockerell, than whom no one is more ture Series of Painters " — illustrated pocket
able to do justice to the subject. Bookbinders editions, prettily bound in cloth, bold at one
and librarians will find much to interest them in shilling each, net. Volumes upon Velazquez, Bra
this lucid, well-illustrated, and valuable little Angelico, Burne-Jones, Romney and G. F. Watts
treatise. Dr. G. C. Williamson has in charge for have already appeared, and others are in pre-
Messrs. George Bell & Sons a series of "Handbooks paration. The same publishers' more important
of the Great Craftsmen," the initial volume of which series of "Great Masters in Painting and Sculp-
is devoted to The Pavement Masters of Siena, by ture" is now reaching the proportions of a
Robert H. Hobart Cust, M.A. It may be advis- veritable library in itself. Among the latest

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drawing bv charles robinson from '' reign of king cole