Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 24.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 105 (December, 1901)
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additions are volumes upon Piero della Fran- fashioned Flowers. Mr. Roberts is evidently a
cesca, by W. G. Waters ; Bella Robbla, by the good gardener who professes to hold most catholic
Marchesa Burlamacchi ; Memling, by W. J. H. views, but he inclines us to imagine that he is not
Weale ; Giorgione, by Herbert Cook ; and altogether in sympathy with those who believe in
Pintoricchio, by E. March Phillipps. Succeeding the art that "adds to Nature." Messrs. Schuster
the same publishers'series of "English Cathedrals," & Loeffler, of Berlin and Leipzig, have for some
which have already been referred to in these pages, time past been publishing an excellent series
there is now being issued a new one relating to of Handbooks relating to modern Continental
" Continental Churches." The two first volumes painters. Arnold Botklin, Franz Stuck, Hans
we have received treat respectively of Rouen and Thoma, and Fritz von Uhde have all been sympa-
Chartres, their Cathedrals and Churches. Both thetically dealt with by Franz Hermann
works will be found valuable companions to the Meissner, and it is to be hoped that the list may
traveller whose good fortune it may be to visit be still further extended.

those cities. Mr. John Lane's " Handbooks of Among the most notable of the illustrated story-
Practical Gardening " are enriched by a new work books recently published may be mentioned A
by Harry Roberts, entitled The Book of Old- Real Queen's Fairy Book, by Carmen Sylva, the

Queen of Roumania.
(London : George
Newnes.) The delight-
ful imaginative tales
by this distinguished
authoress are illus-
trated by some clever,
powerful and beautiful
drawings by Harold
Nelson and Garth
Jones. An edition of
Grimm's Household
Tales, edited and partly
translated anew by
Marian Edwardes,
with line drawings by
R. Anning Bell (Lon-
don : J. M. Dent &
Co.) is welcome, not
only on account of its
ever popular stories,
but also for the value
of its numerous illus-
trations. The Reign of ■
King Cole (London:
J. M. Dent & Co.), is
a series of tales selected
from Hans Andersen,
Brothers Grimm, Ara-
bian Nights, Gulliver's
Travels, and other
sources. The illustra-
tions by Charles Rol in-
son are full of imagina-
tion and humour, and
maintain for the artist
the high reputation as
(newnes) a designer for children's