Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI issue:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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Studio- Talk

of his little canvases con-
stitute La Touche the
Fragonard of our day.

H. F.

exhibition of
antique and
modern fans,
held last autumn at
the Salon of Friedmann
and Weber, served perhaps
to remind Berliners how
seldom enterprises of this
kind are undertaken. The

fan designed by frau margarets erler . .

great majority of such
shows held here during

faithful to their own perception of things, working the last few years have unfortunately originated
steadily and conscientiously in their interpretation of in connection with commercial interests. The
them. Thus, interest in

M. Lucien ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this sort of
Simon gave ^^^^T^^^^^^^ thing does

us once j^^^T" '^^^B not seem to

more a mea- be very

sure of his ' 0^ great, and

talent in a f ^8 we must

vigorous , therefore
portrait of a ^F-'- '* I content our-

man; M. f WM/S"~- %•'•» m ' ' ■-^BJ selves with

Jacques Wf \\ 1 I I ff ' -Sb^^B *ne know-

Blanche K, ~'".1 ledge that

had, besides BHIfeXvifc.- ^O^'' ^1 the Fan Ex-

:i portrait of faa^^^^ ■ '<;:>fci ^-^-V ' -^^«^"" "' „^^^^^^^J hibition was
Rodin, a H BfeMlB a Sruat suc"
delightful cess. Pass-
figure Of a fan designed by h. van de velde ing OVer the

lady in the large and

midst of flowers instinct with life; M. Cottet, in interesting collection of antique fans, which
his views of the Dauphin^, has returned to those filled one large room and another smaller one
scenes which inspired his
early works. The land-
scapes of M. Dauchez have
that intense expressiveness
and sadness by which his
work is always character-
ised. Walter Gay's inte-
riors deserve all the praise
bestowed on them, for few
are more in tune with the
poetry of things than he. f
La Touche was this time
exceptionally well repre-
sented. The luxurious
note, the subtle refinement fan designed by frau margarete erler
