Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI issue:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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Studio- Talk

MacLaughlan's work was
here exhibited on a pretty
extensive scale. In one
section he gave us pictu-
resque glimpses of Old
Paris, now fast disappear-
ing, and in them he treats
us to quaint and entertain-
ing bits of architecture and
humanity. His St. Sulpice,
St. Julien-le-Pauvre, St.
Siverin, La Tannerie, La
Cour des Gobelins, are in-
deed works that ought to
find a place in the museums fan designed by elisabetii Weinberger

and great collections of (See Berlin Studio-Talk)

etchings. Again, at Rouen,

at Caudebec, and in various little town of Nor- these interesting places. Another series, by
mandy the artist has recorded with precision no means the least interesting at the exhibition,
and fidelity the monuments and scenes of has been culled from Italy, whither the artist

went in search of picturesque and unfamiliar

_ spots. Among these is a quiet little square at

Parma, the route Ticino at Pavia, bits of Bologna,
where Bonington etched a well-known plate, and a
« number of views of the Certosa. A Tuscan farm,

I the mournful cypress-tree, a glimpse of Tivoli with

BBsiBk. I trees which reveal a masterly technique, Perugia,

; , ■ |w iBB and Florence have provided him with still further

■HHI fn motifs for works of the first rank.

M. Augustin Rey has recently been showing at
Petit's an excellent series of water-colours. In the
midst of a life so fully occupied as his always v,
the distinguished architect of the Fondation Roth-
schild has managed to find time to apply himself
with ardour to this art, and it was an agreeable
surprise to observe here some hundred works in
which a high regard for truth is associated with
a quite Japanese interpretation of nature, and
especially of trees. The subjects treated cover a
wide range. Lofty mountains of the Bernese
Oberland, the summits of the Engadine, hitherto
unexplored by our painters, lovely Italian lakes, the
rocky, shores of Capri, the fine forests of the
Esterel, the cliffs of Dieppe, the woods of Varenge-
ville—these formed a collection well calculated to
attract the visitor's attention.

1 , ; ! The exhibition of the Societe Nouvelle, whose

president is M. Rodin (represented at the show by
a really fine bust of a man), was again this year of
\ ; much interest. Not that there was anything

M^^^M^BM^^^MMMMi^^M absolutely novel to be seen. The majority of the

' rouen cathedral " by d. mac laugh lan members, excellent artists as they are, remain
