Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 37.1906

DOI Heft:
No. 158 (May, 1906)
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portrait of himself by karoly ferenczy

pictures I painted there.
I had not sufficient know-
ledge either of art or ot
nature for my sojourn in
the country to be of any
service to me. From 1893
till 1896 I lived in Munich,
where, thanks to a study
of artistic analysis and
synthesis, and to the in-
tercourse I there enjoyed
with my fellow-men and
with the nature around
me, I came to set my house
in tolerable order; yet my
work done there was not
yet quite free from an an-
thropical view of things.
Since the year 1896 I have
lived at Nagybanya. The
rich natural beauties of that
spot produced in me those
artistic aspirations under
whose influence I have now

chose Karoly Ferenczy to
take the lead—a post for
which he was admirably
fitted by reason of his
talent, his simple manners
and his exalted love of art.

Ferenczy's individuality
and his artistic aspirations
are best expressed by the
artist himself in the follow-
ng lines from his pen,
which appeared on the
occasion of the last exhi-
bition of his collected
works : "I painted my
first picture in the year
1889 in Paris, where I was
working as an outside
student at Julian's studio.
I was then twenty-seven
years old. This was the
period of Bastien-Lepage's
delicate naturalistic work.
Home again, I stayed for
four years in; a little village,
and to-day I disown all the "the painter" by karoly ferenczy
