Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Maspero, Gaston
Études de mythologie et d'archéologie égyptiennes (Band 8) — Paris, 1916

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dans le désert, a l'ouest du saîd


)) pendant onze jours, mais il ne fut pas plus heureux que
» nous. »

» Tel est le récit que me fit cet habitant du village d'El-
» Koubbaniéh. Je me permets de vous le transmettre, et
» je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Directeur général,
» l'assurance de mon respectueux dévouement.

» Ahmed effendi Naguîb,

» Inspecteur-Conseroateur: »

Mademoiselle Amelia B. Edwards avait déjà, en 1874,
entendu parler d'un temple inconnu situé dans le désert à
l'ouest du Saîd. Comment cela lui arriva, elle l'a raconté
de façon très vive, dans le récit de son voyage sur le Nil1 :

a We were treading the banks of an extinct river. It was
full of sand now ; but beyond ail question, it had once been
full of water. It came evidently from the mountains over
towards the North-West. We could trace its windings for
a long way across the plain, thence through the ravine, and

on southwards in a line parallel with the Nile..... Corning

back, we met a solitary native, with a string of beads in
his hand and a knife up his sleeve. He followed us for a
long way, volunteering a but half-intelligible story about
some unknown Birbeh in the désert. We asked where it
was, and he pointed up the course of our unknown river. —
You have seen it? said the Painter. — Marrat keteer
(many times). — How far is it ? — One day's march in the
hagger (désert). —■ And have no Ingleezeh ever been to
look for it ? He shook his head at first, not understanding
the question ; then looked grave, and held up one finger.
Our stock of Arabie was so small, and his so interlarded
with Kensee, that we had great difficulty in making out

1. Amelia B. Edwards, A Thousand Miles up the Nile, édition
Tauchnitz, t. II, p. 145-147.