The General Meeting held at the end of the 2nd Symposium of Nubian Studies in Warsaw June 22nd, 1972 took the
following decisions:
1. The members of this meeting agree upon the founding of a ‘Society for Nubian Studies’.
2. As the first President of the Society for Nubian Studies was elected: Prof. Dr. Kazimierz Michalowski, Warszawa,
Muzeum Narodowe.
3. The working committee will continue with the following members: Jean Leclant—Paris, J. Μ. Plumley—Cambridge,
Jean Vercoutter—Lille and Erich Dinkier—Heidelberg.
4. The papers read in Warsaw at the Symposium are to be published in a volume, edited by Professor K. Michalowski.
Final date for handing in the Mss: Sept. 15, 1972.
5. A third Symposium is planned for June/July 1975 in the neighbourhood of Paris, or—if unexpected difficulties
should come up—at Cambridge, England.
6. The General meeting of the Society welcomes
a) the plan of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften to publish
Fontes Rerum Nubicarum, original text as well as an English translation, on the basis of Father G. Vantini’s
b) The preparation of a Dictionary on Nubian Iconography to be published by the Polish Academy of Sciences—
7. A resolution was unanimously passed : to urge the UNESCO to give decisive support
a) for the finishing of the excavations at Qasr Ibrim and
b) for the necessary publications of the results of work done by the Sudan Antiquities Service.
8. The Society for Nubian Studies expressed its thanks through the voice of Professor Plumley, to the Polish
Government, the National Museum in Warsaw, to Professor Michalowski and his staff-members for the generous
hospitality, for the perfect organization of the Symposium and last but not least for the inspiring Faras Gallery, which
has to be regarded as one of the most valuable and modern exhibitions amongst the European Museums.
Heidelberg, August 1972.
sign. Erich Dinkier
The General Meeting held at the end of the 2nd Symposium of Nubian Studies in Warsaw June 22nd, 1972 took the
following decisions:
1. The members of this meeting agree upon the founding of a ‘Society for Nubian Studies’.
2. As the first President of the Society for Nubian Studies was elected: Prof. Dr. Kazimierz Michalowski, Warszawa,
Muzeum Narodowe.
3. The working committee will continue with the following members: Jean Leclant—Paris, J. Μ. Plumley—Cambridge,
Jean Vercoutter—Lille and Erich Dinkier—Heidelberg.
4. The papers read in Warsaw at the Symposium are to be published in a volume, edited by Professor K. Michalowski.
Final date for handing in the Mss: Sept. 15, 1972.
5. A third Symposium is planned for June/July 1975 in the neighbourhood of Paris, or—if unexpected difficulties
should come up—at Cambridge, England.
6. The General meeting of the Society welcomes
a) the plan of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften to publish
Fontes Rerum Nubicarum, original text as well as an English translation, on the basis of Father G. Vantini’s
b) The preparation of a Dictionary on Nubian Iconography to be published by the Polish Academy of Sciences—
7. A resolution was unanimously passed : to urge the UNESCO to give decisive support
a) for the finishing of the excavations at Qasr Ibrim and
b) for the necessary publications of the results of work done by the Sudan Antiquities Service.
8. The Society for Nubian Studies expressed its thanks through the voice of Professor Plumley, to the Polish
Government, the National Museum in Warsaw, to Professor Michalowski and his staff-members for the generous
hospitality, for the perfect organization of the Symposium and last but not least for the inspiring Faras Gallery, which
has to be regarded as one of the most valuable and modern exhibitions amongst the European Museums.
Heidelberg, August 1972.
sign. Erich Dinkier