Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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262 INDEX. [June 25, 1853.

One-Armed Organ-Crushers, 89 j Shakspeare and Lord Campbell, 164 \ Useful Lesson (A), 19,

'On Horror's Head Horrors Accumi
late !•*' 23
Organ of French Opinion (The), 87
Orthography and Spelling, 244
Our Admiralty Tinkers, 137
" Our Clever Young Men," 183
Our Defence of Tyrwhitt, 40
Our Homeless Rich, S3
"Our Last Advices," 51
Our Peace and War Budget, 198
Our Rifle Volunteers, 251
Our Treasures in the Deep, 108
Outrage in Essex (An), 243
Over Trading, 69
Oxford Laddie (The), 31
Paooda Tree (The), 143
Pamphleteering, 83
Parchment Interest (The), 219
Parisian Gossip, 163

Parsons' Burlesque of Parliament(The), 78
Particulars of the Kusscllo-Palmerstonian

Alliance, 232
Passing for a Cornet, 14
Pastoral Simplicity, 119
Peculiar Animal Polarity, 118
Peers Condemned by Themselves (The), 21
Peril and no Parliament, 178
Persecution. A Pastoral, 237
Pets for Petticoats, 143
Petticoat Protection, 19
Petticoats v. Pyrotechnics, 7
Phoebus in a Flask, 104
Physiognomical Notes on the Portraits at

the Royal Academy, 252
Pith of the President's Message (The), 2
Plum-Puddings in Peril, 9S
Poking at the British Lion. 110
Polite Novelist (The), 211
Political Economy, 148
Political Poachers (The), 127
Political Weather (The;, 168
Poor Playgr. ■uuds, 233

Short Phrenological Examination of a Use of the Admiralty (The), 17

Head (A). 2
Shower of Reform Bills (A), 130
Sights Worth Seeing in the Metropolis, 67
Simple Jews, 61

Simple Talk from Washington, 190
Slang and Sanscrit. 231
Slang of the Superior Classes, 257
Sleeping British Lion (The), 101
Slow Returns and Small Profits, 107
Sociality of Socialism (The), 71
Something like a Question, 88
Something like Education, 214
Song of the French Eagle (The), 138
" Sound High the Martial Strain," 71
Speedy Termination of the Reform De

bate, 149
Spirited Composition (A), 252
Spread of Single Blessedness (The) 131
Stage of Foreign Politics (The), 67
Stanzas for the Sentimental, 11
State of Parties in Paris (The), 57
Sticking to his Colours, 224
Story of the Burns' Festival, 59
St. Peter and the Pope, 111
Strange Companions, 18
Straws to Tickle Fools with, 43
Street-Betting Nuisance (The), 150

Striking Dodge (A), 193 Working-Man Worship, 134

Stucco for the Softer Sex, 124 Wounded Honour, 243

Subaltern on Brigade Duty (The), 150

Valentines to the Nose, 47
Van-Demon (The), 242
Venus in want of a Lady's Maid, 47
Very Popular Prince (A), 219
Vindication of a Worthy Vicar, ISO
Viscount's Return (The;, 220
Vive la Ligne ! 242
Walker Wanted at Court, 173
Weather last Week (The), 161
What a Dissenter is Condemned to, 61
" What are the Wild Waves Saying'? " 6
What is the World Coming to ? 39
What may be Done in Fifty Years, 128
What's his Little Game 1101

What the Old Sow says, 253 ) Cup'id at Sea, 164

Wheels within Wheels, 103 j Day very late in the Season (A), 144

Where is the Man ? 51 j Dear Little Spanish Hat (The), 256

Who's Where in 1859 ? 39 Delicate Test, 224


Advantage of Taking a Short Cut

through a Court, 233
Alarming Proposition, 150
Artist's Dream (An), 178
At Aldershot—a Rather Difficult Man-
oeuvre, 213
Block on the Bridge (A), 221
Broad Hint (A), 12S
Broom versus Brush, 198
Candid, 245

Choleric Old Gentleman, 68
Compliments of the Season (The), 110
Corps of Volunteers (A), 228

Who was the Genius ? 221
Wide Awake at Winchester. 255
Wild Horsman (The), 137
Woman for Ever ! 54
Womanhood Suffrage, 138
Woman of Real Nerve (A' IS
Woman Steeled against Ridicule, 29
Word on the Model Republic (A), 38
Work for Weak Intellects, 169

Domestic Economy, 114
"Do you think I'm a Aggrobat ? " 20S
Dreadful for Young Oxford, 200
Driving Home from the Wa^h, 30
Effects of a Wet Easter, 188
Fascinating Gent and Little Girl, 8(i
Flunkeiana, 194

F. M. Punch Sympathises with the
poor (I) ItalianOrgan-Grinder, 204

Fred and the Diamonds, 108

"Gentlemen Riders allowed Fire
Pounds," 124

Suggestions on Stomach Worship, 88 LARGE ENGRAVINGS •_ I Glass of Madeira (A), 78

Superstitions, 119
Sum in Proportion (A), 235
" Swallow, Swallow, flying South
Symptom of Dissolution (A), 127
Tap of Temperance (The), 157
Tarpeia—A Warning, 258

Act of Grace (An), 15
Anglers' Return (The), 205
Babes in the Wood, 2:7
Balm for the Wounded, 259
Birds of a Feather, 185

Tax'ation and Representation, 103 British Juryman Preparing for the " How Old is your Pony, Fred? " 210

" Ten, Crown Office Row," 84 Worst (The), 5 Inconvenience of new Pipes, 133

Terrible Poaching Affray, 124 Clumsy Groom (The), 135 In the Park, 248

Testimonial to Mr. Cox of Finsbury, 208 ; Derby—the Return (The), 229 " It Warn't roe A-hollerin'." 212

Going to the Ball, 111
Grand Burns' Festival, 54
Happy Notion (A), 131
Home for the Holidays, 1S1
Horse-Laugh (A), 225
Hour before Dinner (The), 130

Pope's Mosaic Work (The), 73 ; Thames Pierage (The), 253 Frantic Footman (The), 155 Juvenile Etymology, 20

Pop Goes the Rifle ! 220 : Theory against Practice, 157 French Porcupine (The), 75 Keen Eye for Business (A), IS

Popish Boys Playing with Fire, ] 39 i The Ring, 33 Giant and the Dwarf (The), 239 ''Ketch my Donkey, that's a good-

Popular Barrister (The), 67 ! These Things are an Allegory, 21!

Port or Reputed Port, 167 Ticket for Soup (The), 98

Portrait of the Derby Ministry, 24S i Tight Boot (The), 29

Presentations at Court, 214 ! To all whom it may Concern, 172

Press and the Bar (The), 226 j Too full of Beer, 70

Great Poaching Affray on the Liberal Chap," 74

Preserves, 125 Little Bit of Park (A), 171

Hint to the "Engaged Ones" of Eug Marry on £300 a-year, 50

land (A), 210 Master Alfred Invited to Tea, 41

Homeless Poor (The), 35 Master Tom and Grandma, 189

" Press of Highly Important Matter." 19; To Members about to Visit their Con-' Last Pantomime of the Season (The), 115 Master Tom and his Tool-box, 40
Preventive Diseases, 235 | stituents, 177 London Bathing Season (The), 249 Moderation, 84

Prince of the British Church (A), 119 ; To the Schoolmaster, &c, 10 1 Men for the Fleet. 195 Mr. Blobbins's Stereoscopic Studies, 155

Real Ugly Rush (The), 175
Reform Snap-Dragon, 25
Street up Again (The), 165
Supporters of the " Working Man," 14

New Italian Rifle-Barrel Organ(The),2»2
Next Election for the Governorship of

a Citv Gaol, 190
Not a Bad Notion, 255
" Now then, old Turnip-tops," 14
"Oh! Look 'ere, Jim! Here's a,
Swell," 170

Professor Owen on Baraum, 93 ! Tribulation and Spanish Bonds, 228 Naval Reform, 85

Pro Hac Vice, 82 I Triumphant Re-Election of Mr.Punch, 191 Quaker and the Bauble (The), 55

Promise Feeding, 212 ' Turn-out in an Agricultural District, 152 j Queen in her Store-Room (The), 95

Promising Performer (A), 160 ! Twelve Little Jockeys, 102

Proverb Improved, 151 i Two Breakfasts (The), 202

Punch and the People of England, 114 Ultra-Crepidators, 20

Punch on Party Colours, 222' | Unequal Match (An), 109

Punch Right Again for the Millionth Uniformity of Measures, 167

Timel Hooray ! 237 : Universal Favourite (An), 89 Very Greasy Pole'(A),'i5 Old Foxhunter (The), 258

Puncn's Flection Intelligence, 1S7 1 Up with the Butts, 201 | Who will Rouse him? 705 Old Streekie at the Sea side, 254

Punch's Essence of Parliament, 62, 72, etc. Opera for the Million. 201

Punch's Own Gazette, 73 Ornament for the Fire-Stove (A).

Punch upon Cox, 179 Our Future Staff, 100

Pupil to his Parents (The), 234 j "OuronceFacetiousContemporary," 1

Torch of Hymen (The), 65 " Oh ! What a Humbug ! ISO

Qdeer Company, 148
Questions for the City, 3
" Rack them with Aitches !" 102
Railway Compensation, 103
Real Ugly Rush (The), 174
Real Scotch Romance (A), 10
Really Strong-Minded Woman (A), 30
Reasons for Suppoiting Lord Derby's
Government, 210

Oxford is Becoming Cosmopolitan, 151
Pleasing Prospect, 44
Political Prospects, 232
Portrait of a Gentleman Before and.

After taking a Course of Punch, 33
" Pretty Sight, Ain't it, Charley ?" 64,
Quiet Look at the Country (A), 140
Railway Collusion (A), 4
Returning to School, 7o

Reform at the Adelphi, (50) ^Wmiy^H'; : .-' l&f'i "il&M''. i Road-(Th^' 23?' 244

Reform Bill (The), 107
Reform Bill is Coming, oh Dear ! (A), S
Reformed Cabmen, 98
Refugee from Rome (A), 143

Rooti-Tooit—I've got Cher ! 8
Scarcely a Delicate way of Rutting it, 21
Scene in a Refreshment Room, 161
Scene on Board H.M.S. — , 91

Remarkable Experience, 21 f^SBaBB^. (iSsillfL - SerVe him Rightl24

Representation accordingto Numbers, 181
Representation of the Smith (The), 159
Results of Hippophagy (The), 18
Retaliation, 234

Retirement of the Wiscount (The), 164

Sisterly Cove, 235
Skeleton Somewhere in every House, 101
Sketch in the House of C—mm—ns'

Sm—k—ng-Room (A), Si
Smart, for the Eastern Counties, 10

Return of the Wiscount (The), iso JSS~~£/&#&^^% ^Jf ^eS^||PWf -■^^S^StJ^ ^^H^fe,? i Sporting Intelligence, 1s4

Seward of Juvenile Merit (The), 171
Right Person in the Right Place (The), 219
Roebuck in French, 9
Romance of War (The), 247
Rondeletia, 89

Royal Academy over the Water (The), 79
Saga of the Sea Lords and the Dragon of

Deofre (The), 167
Sale of a Gentleman at Large (The), 174
Sanctified Gammon, 221
Schoolmaster at Home (The), 255
Scots Wha Hae, 102
Seasonable Statistics, 24
Sensible Fashions, 64
Sensible Spread (A), 220

Stodge goes to Give a first Lesson, 160
Strong-Backed Car (A), 164
Symptoms of Hard Reading, 134
Tender Point (A), 174
Thin End of the Wedge (The), 71
" Though lost to (sight to Memory

dear," 13S
Too Much ! 34
Trying it on, 11
Unexpected Pleasure (An), 148
" Veil, Bill, yer are a swell," 2S
Vive le Sport! 94
" We can both Swim," 120
" Where there's a Will," 60
You needn't be Afraid, Ma'am," 104

Sensible Wife (A), 78 * ' J^J£/^^n^^l» dgaPSSE"^^ •' You've no call to be Afeard of my

Serious Hoax (A), 210 /^<Zf'f/l/y > ' • ^ -C'V Dawg, Mann," 15S

Serious Stable-Talk, 224 Zealous Shoe-Black, 121




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1859
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1854 - 1864
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Britannia <Fiktive Gestalt>
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 36.1859, Index, S. 262