Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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“ Now, Sir, if he does Anything yott don’j


Air—“ Champagne Charlie."

A linendraper’s shopman, I go in for a fast life,

But shouldn’t mind a gal with lots of tin to be my wife.

Our business ’ouse is splendid, but our people are so near.

They won’t allow us nothin’ to drink stronger than small beer.

So Small Beer Sammy is my name,

Small Beer Sammy is my name;

Still I’m good for getting tight, my boys,

Still 1 ’m good for getting tight, my boys,

Who ’ll come and have a pint with me ?

Oh, if I could afford to come it strong and cut it fat,

Then I’d go to the Derby with a veil around my ’at.

Champagne corks poppin’ round my ’ead ’ow prime ’t.would be to ’ear.
Meanwhile at this establishment our potion is small beer.

Small Beer Sammy, &e.

I know the odds, and all the ’aunts of betting men frequent.

On Saturday ’alf-’olidays, as I’m a sporting gent.

Although 1 ain’t accustomed for to mix with prince and peer,
i gamble in a small way as I likewise drink small beer.

Small Beer Sammy, &c.

When in lack’s way and flush of cash I take a great delight
in going to the Music Halls, and so 1 spend the night,
hi one of your horatorios so solemn and severe !

The last new comic song for me, myself who sing small beer,

Small Beer Sammy, &c.

Now, scents, let’s ’ave a spree, come, fill your glasses to the brims !
This, this is beer brewed under swipes ; some bumpkins call it “ sims,”
Because it “ seems ” malt liquor ; oh my eye ’ow wery queer !

“ Sims ” is the draught for Sammy, which is also called Small Beer.
Small Beer Sammy, &c.

“The Question oe the Houe.”—What o’clock is it ?

Like, give him a jolly good Leathering. ”


Mr. Punch,

You have read divers notices of a Book entitled Charlie Villars
at Cambridge. A word on the name of Villars.

First, let me remind you that the names of our Aristocracy are not
all pronounced as they are spelt. In verse, for instance, if Mr. Close
were to write : —

Behold two persons of the higher ranks,

Cholmondeley beside Mabjoribanks,

his lines would not scan. Of course the Laureate (to the King of
Bonny) is incapable of such a mistake. His muse, however, might,
(for a due consideration) express herself thus, with metrical pro.

priety . Extensive as the world is Cho’m’ley’s fame;

And Mabj’banks is a man of equal name.

A poem in heroic measure, but cockney dialect might contain such a
couplet as this :—

Abergavenny in the Park I sor,

A ridin alongside of Grosvenor—■

—but its prosody would be incorrect. To square that with propriety
of utterance, a metropolitan bard would have to make those two
names read thus :—

You’ll own that Aberg’enny’s no mean cove, nor
Less of a swell will you consider Gro’venor.

Or, here is an epigram which I imagine to be at least euphonious—

Gro’venor one day exclaimed, “ In for a penny.”

“ In for a pound,” responded Aberg’enny.

Now, Sir, with respect to the name of Villars I have to ask you
whether that it is not an orthographical mistake ? 1 have heard some

people so pronounce a name spelt otherwise, and I want to know
whether it is nobbish or snobbish to say, Villars for Villiero. As
beir to a rich uncle, I expect shortly to move in high society, and am
anxious to be able to clip all my words correctly and ]\j0 Mistake.
P.S. What do you say to Daniel, pronounced Dan’l ?

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