Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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June 20, 1868.]




This is the Instrument as it Appeared in
his Dreams, on his Voyage back, to the
Celestial Empire.

This is tee Instrument, as seen in England by a
Chinese Artist.

This is the Animal as he Represented
it to his Fellow Countrymen, (on his
arrival) ; with the Information that
he saw a British Lady seize the animal
by his Eyes, open iiis Mouth, tread
upon his Tail, and (as he roared aloud
with pain) play “God Save the Queen”
upon his Teeth.


(A Colloquy.)


Brown and Green.

Green. Bv Jove, it is too bad !

Brown. What is too bad ?

Green. Well-; one doesn’t care much about foreign affairs in general,
but can’t help feeling shocked at the way in which the Czar is treat-
ing the Poles.

Brown. What about it ?

Green. He has abolished their separate administration—the whole
country is now ruled by the .Russian Home Office.

Brown. Indeed !

Green. He has proscribed their language in all Government matters ;
they can’t even present a petition in their native tongue.

Brown. Really ?

Green. He has forbidden it to be taught in their schools.

Brown. You don’t say so !

Green. He is trying to destroy their religion by bribery; buying
converts to the Greek Church; closing the Roman Catholic Churches
: by military force.

Brown. Well, to be sure.

Green. He is confiscating their landed property, and giving it away
to 'Russian local officials. One hundred and sixty-seven estates have
. been already distributed amongst those brutes to reward them for zeal
in doing their dirty work of carrying out his plans of oppression. This
is your mild and humane Emperor of Russia !

Brown. Whence did you derive all this information ?

Green. Erom the Post.

Brown. And you believe it ?

Green. Yes, I do.

Brown. Do you—then I don’t.

Green. Why ? What reason have you to doubt it ?

Brown. The best iu the world.

Green. May 1 know what that is ?

Brown. This. The Emperor of Russia is much too enlightened
and much too well advised to defy the public opinion of Europe by the
monstrous acts that you have mentioned. What, when England dares
no longer maintain the sentimental grievance of an Irish Protestant
Church, do you suppose the Russian Sovereign would venture to do
anything whatever displeasing to his Roman Catholic subjects ? The
idea that he would dream of attempting to destroy their religion ! Oh,
ho, ho ! excuse me—but it is too absurd.

Green. Well ; it does seem so certainly.

Brown. Besides, isn’t there a Reform League in Russia with its
head-quarters at St. Petersburg, with a President who is just such
• another man as Mr. Beales (M.A), and other leaders like Mr. Odgpk

and Mr. Lucraft and Colonel Dickson ? And isn’t there a Working-
Men’s Association directed by a Chief who corresponds exactly to
Mr. Potter F

Green. I have not heard so.

Brown. No; very likely. You never heard of their parading the
streets in menacing processions and destroying public property. They
have no occasion ever to do anything of the kind.

Green. How is that ?

Brown. Oh ! the Russian Government always saves them the trouble,_
by executing their orders. When they want to dictate the policy of
the Empire they have only to wait on the Minister of the Interior and
inform him of the resolutions which they have voted at a public-house.

Green. Well now, all this is really quite new to me.

Brown. Oh ! you don’t know what progress liberal ideas have made
on the Continent. Alexander is even more advanced than Louis
Napoleon. But then these great progressive rulers have enemies,
who propagate reports about them which are precisely the reverse of
true. Eor instance, what the Emperor of Russia has really been
doing in Poland is this. He has established Imperial Colleges for
educating the people irrespectively of creed, and in each of these there
is a Professor of Polish literature. He is now at work about a mea-
sure for securing tenant right in respect to the improvement of land,
and he is engaged in maturing a scheme for the disestablishment and
disendowment of the Greek Church.

Green. You surprise me, indeed.

Brown. I dare say. But mind. It is doubtful if he would try to
conciliate Poland so much as he does if it were not for his respect for
public opinion as expressed by the Russian Reform League speaking
through its Beales. His Imperial Majesty is also said to be very
much influenced by the eloquence of another Tribune of the Prussian
People. I believe his name is Brighthoff.

(Conversation closes.)


The subjoined telegram from St. Petersburg, indicates a degree of
coolness, if not of simplicity :—

“ The Russian Government has addressed a communication to several foreign
Governments, proposing the prohibition by treaty of the use of explosive pro-
jectiles in war, or the limitation of such projectiles to submarine torpedoes.”

Oh, yes ! No doubt it would be very convenient for Russia if the
use of explosive projectiles in war could.' be limited to submarine tor-
pedoes ; for, as a torpedo is not a projectile, that would amount to
their total disuse. How jolly to be enabled to sweep the seas iuher own
Ironclads safe from shells, and at the same time keep Croast.adt clear
of the enemy’s with torpedoes! Does the Russian Government see
any of the peculiar tint of the waves in the eyes of the maritime powers ?
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