Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Abyssinian Difficulty (The), 199
Abyssinian Expedition (An), 192
Acrobats in Petticoats, 200
Admirable Precedent (An), 141
“ A Horse ! Give me Another Horse ! ” 33
Alexandra’s Offering to Erin, 170
All the World a Crab, 34
All up with Exeter Hall, 119
All Up with P.O., 242 »

Alter et Idem, 3, 277

Amalgamated Sage Union (An), 272

American Liberties (The), 177

And this is the way History is Written !


Another Cry from the Customs, 127
Another “ Rock Ahead,” 82
Another Smash for Spiritualists, 169
Another Turn with Handel, 260
Anti-Fenian Orator (The), 15
Arches Judgment (The), 163
Aristocracy of To-morrow (The), 47
Aristocratic Mouthfuls Minced, 165
Armadillo, 59

Article in their Own Style (An), 100
Art of Advertising (The), 119
Awkward Reminders, 142
Bad Food for the Mind, 222
Ballad by an Old Bachelor, 55
Barely Civil, 196
Beales Administration (A), 163
Beales and his Bubblyjocks, 31
“ Beautiful for Ever ! ” 277
Before the Scenes, 58
“ Beggars of Bethnal Green,” 8
Below the Lowest Deep a Lower Deep, 134
“ Bene Vale, ocule mi ! ” 21
Bishop Gray, 86
Bishop in Partibus (A), 127
Black and Blue, 276
Black Monday, .33
Bob’s-worth of Education (A), 45
Book of the Farm (The), 91
Brigands in London, 66
Bright on the Flowing Bowl, 68
Britannia doing Penance in her Balance
1 Sheet, 20

British Lion at the Home Office (The), 102

Britannia to Australia, 44

Budget of the Future (The), 198

Bung on the Bench, 262

By Rowland M'Asser, 121

Cabinet Cement, 209

Cabinet Valentines, 68

Cabman’s Complaint (A), 209

Call That a Medal ? 100

Canine, 176

Capital Cure for Ireland, 42
Capital Public Dinner (A), 198
Card (A), 208

Case of the Alabama (The), 128
Caution to Caged Birds (A), 275
■ Caution to Governors (A), 241
Chapeau Bas, 114
Charity and Music, 259
Cheeseparing off on the Army Estimates,


Chikkin Hazard, 112, 128, 132, &c.
Chivalry of the Commons, 273
Chorus of Members, 202
Christmas Carol (A), 4
Church News, 43
Civilisation Receding, 99
Civil Service Examinations, 13

Clerical Tone (A), 227
Colour of the Winner (The), 244
“ Come into the Gardens, Maud,” 219
Comfort for Campaigners, 233
Comfort for Ex-Kings, 78
“ Committed,” 238

Common Cause in the County Court, 233
Common Sense on Wheels. 67
Company Limited by Lord John Manners
(A), 174

Compensation for Hampstead Heath, 127
Competitor for the Plate (A), 15
Contradiction in Terms (A), 277
Conversation on Killjoys (A), 136
Convocation, 89

Costumes at the Royal Academy, 209
Courtesy to Country Gentlemen, 101
Crack Shots in Concert, 141
Credit to the City of London (A), 121
Crisis of England (The), 154
j Cruelty to Animals ! 144
Cry from the Custom House (A), 34
Curious Coincidence, 10
Cutting their own Throats, 119
Dame Partington and her Mop, 140
Danger of Upside Down, 184
Danger of Self-Defence (The), 123
Dangerous Gift (A), 192
Dangers of Brighton, 69
Data Reddere Nolunt106
Deal in a Name (A), 15
Dean Stanley in the Wrong Box, 216
Dear Creatures (The), 230
Decorative Entomology, 273
Dense Darkness at Farnham, 15
Density and Dirty Water, 230
Discounter Dished (The), 264
Disgraceful, 274
Dish for an Ogre (A), 200
Dizzy among the Pictures, 209
Dizzy in Difficulties, 124
Docile Creature (A), 243
Dod’s Beauties of Parliament, 67
Dog Days out of Date, 45
Doing the Chamberlain’s Office, 59
Don’t be Frightened, 120
Double-Action, 164
Dr. Disraeli’s Academy, 45
Dr. Johnson at the Derby, 237
Drummed-out Fenian (The), 70
Easiest of Ways and Means (The), 142
Electrical, 273

Emperor’s little Game (An), 42
Empire in Bankruptcy (An), 143
Encore Thief (The), 123
Enigma (An), 80
Epigram, 73
Erin-go-Bray ! 255
Evenings from Home, 2, 24, 41, &c.
Excelsior ! 91

Excommunicating and Excommunicated,

Excursionist’s Appeal (The), 96
Exploit in Abyssinia (An), 156
“ Fair.” Appeal ! (A), 261
Falsities for the Face, 27
Fanciful, but Fishy, 106
Fancy by Friar Tuck, 169
Far above St. Paul’s, 278
Farewell to Pipeclay, 248
Farming without Land, 211
Fashionable Deformity, 154
Fashionable Half Dress, 69

Fashionable Intelligence, 11
Fashionable Modesty, 156
Fearful Warning, 63
Female Self-Emancipation, 195
Fenian Frights, 7
Fenian on his Friends (A), 107
Fenian Ruffian (The), 56
Fenian with a Chignon (A), 14
Few Friends (A), 9, 22, 30, &c.
Fighting-Cocks (The), 143
Foolish Fairy (A), 21
For a’ That and a’ That, 57
Foretaste of the Handel Festival (A), 273
Fortification Fox Run to Earth, 27S
Fox-Hunting in France, 105
Freedom in the Free Kirk, 220
French Asses on their Army Bill, 91
French Improved (The), 259
French Morality (A), 140
Fustian from France, 23
Future Lounge, 1870 (The). 154
Gent’s “ Not for Joseph’’ (A), 200
Getting on by Degrees, 20
Gillooly the Guffin, 12
Golden Goose Killing at Chester, 1S5
Good Cut with a Wharncliffe Knife (A),

Good Hearing for Erin (A), 47
Good News from Paraguay, 191
Good Word for a Good Work (A), 20
Great Convert (The), 58
Great Days and Events, 3
Great Disappointment (A), 222
Great Untaxed in their Glory (The), 208
Great Zagazias (The), 135
Groan from a Swell (A), 88
Groans for the Grocer, 53
Guesses at the Catalogue, 155
“ Hang him, Foul Collier !” 99
“ Hat and Sword,” 73
“ Ha ! Whare are ye Gaun, ye Crawlin'
Ferlie 1 ” 168
Hayti-Tighty ! 247

Health and Longevity for Ireland, 164
Henry Brougham, 233
He Ought to Know, 75
Hints for Derby Talkers, 229
“ Hoity ! Toity ! ” 53
Holiday Work at Hull, 152
Home, Sweet Home ! 205
Homoeopathic Home (A), 238
Horsepital Contributions, 175
Horse Show (The), 251
How is it Done ? 60
How to Quash the Quacks, 175
How to Check Poaching,, 63
How to Curb a Centauress, 100
How to Stop Street-Begging, 92
How we Breed our Burglars, 248
How we drive in Abyssinia, 100
Hymen Himself Again, ISO
Hymns of Hate. 55
Ideas on Advertising, 144
“ I do not Ask to Press that Cheek,” 207
“ Ignoramus ” on some Geographical
Troubles, 131

“ Ignoramus ” on “The One Hundredth,”

Important Railway News, 177
Impromptu, 130
Inarticulate Information, 73
Irish for Ireland ; 22
International Coinage, 97

Ii eland's Quack Doctors, 76
Jokes I Might have Made, 267
Just the Name for Him, 207
Kick at the Cancan (A), 1S8
Lame Ducks, 32
Last Echo of Christmas, 16
I laureate’s New Poem (The), 205
Law News in Little, 73
Lenten Entertainment (A), 113
“ Les Beaux Esprits se Rencontrent,” 27e
Light Porter’s Work and Heavy Pay, 261
Literary Fund Toasts, 217
Lord Macaulay’s Valentine, 98
Lyra Inelegantiarum, 53
Mac-rorie O’More, 60
Magnetism of the Horse, 231
Maine Law a Mull (The), 69
Major Brown, 45
Making it Up, 43
Many-Spectacled Jack, 259
Matrimonial Announcements, 157
Memorandum on Military Economy, 229
Mending our Ways, 33
Mighty Lively Concern (A), 219
Milk and Strong Meat, 256
Millions and Millions, 134
Modern Inquisition (The), 192
More Good News, 12
More Grist to the Mill, 163
Moriarty’s Milk for Babes, 30
Most Extraordinary Conduct of a Bishop,

Most Unseasonable Idea ( A), 20
Mr. John Thomas upon Things in Gene-
ra), 196

Mr. Lowe in “ Tom and Jerry,” 56
Mr. Punch’s Allocution to Mankind, 1
Mrs. Glasse on Education, 25
Murphy and Whailey, 244
Musical and Melancholy, 184
Musicians’ Latin, 179
“ My Vocal Reed,” 185
Narcisse, 107

Naval Reform Bill Wanted (A), 277
Nestor and Orpheus, 108
New Books, 228
Newest Publications (The), 44
New Humane Society (A), 21
New Invention (A), 264
New Law Courts (The), 265
New Musical Conductor (A), 111
New Novel Company (A), 105
New Publications, 112
New Song to an Old Tune (A), 227
Nine Days’ Wonder (The), 106
No Bishop of Exeter Hall, 59
Non-Intervention in Riots, 261
Nonsense Epigrams, 179
Nonsense Proverbs, 153
“ Not Done Yet, Edinburgh ! 195

Note for June, 247
Not for England, 263
Nothing Like Leather, 212
Novels without Nonsense, 243
Novelty in Tickets-of-Leave, 188
Nursery Songs for Little Horse-Eaters, 75
Occasion Improved (The), 238
“ Official English ” Dictionary Wanted
(An), 153

Old Joke from the Old School, 76
Omen to Quackery (An), 129
On a Seasonable Letter, 36
One Thing I Could Make (The), 264

Yol. 54.




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1868
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1863 - 1873
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 54.1868, Index, S. 281