2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xx Bi- ~ï 'il H jL ■ ■ ■
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
u Bi M H (17^18'19
In syllabic transcription, the list reads :
1. Nç-he-rï-n(aT), Northern Syria. 2. He-tà, Hittite country, west of 1.
3. 'A-ra-(sa), Cyprus, cuneiform Alasia. 4. (Sa)-n-ge-(ra), Singara in Northern
Mesopotamia. 6. Ke-f-ti (i. e. to), originally, the coast of Asia Minor. 7. K-(ïra-
ka-mi-sa) on the Euphrates. 8. Tu-ne-(p), probably in the lower Orontes-valley.
9. Kad-s, the capital of the Amorîtes on the upper Orontes. 10. 'A-kà (i. e. ko)-
r(ï-t), the Ugarrtt of the Amarna tablets. 11. Kad-ï-n(a) (read Kode " circle"), the
coast of Northern Phœnicia. 12. I suppose Ti-hï-sï, the usual associate of Kades.
Read | ti instead of the ha ^ whiçh Prof. Sayce believed to see? 14. Prof. Sayce
adds in his letter " perhaps Mannus". It seems to me, the arrangement of the signs
makes tins reading rather improbable. Perhaps (U)-nu-(g)^ 15. Ti-y-{ta), unknown,
see below. 16. 'A-(ra-t-tu^), Arvad, Aradus? — The rest efîaced.
It seems évident that the artists of Ramses II compiled their list from the columns
of Amenhotp III in Semneh, L., D., III, 88 g, etc.; a common source is far less pro-
bable. There, we find the same uncommon orthography : Kad-ï-na, and our Nro. 15,
written in full ~| ( ( (a name with which I cannot do anything)1. Nevertheless, the
new list is not destit'ute of interest and Prof. Sayce deserves our gratitude for having
copied thèse fragments. I thank him personally for his amiable communication.
L'épenthèse est un phénomène consistant en ce qu'une consonne se trouvant suivie
d'un i, ê, y, d'un u, ou d'un v, autrement dit de toute voyelle autre que a ou de la semi-
1. Peut-être faut-il lire ~| ( ( [y/q^ Diyah, et comparer "| ( ( ( de Touthmosis III, 11° 74, où ( ^ serait
l'équivalent de . — G. M.
1 \>
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
xx Bi- ~ï 'il H jL ■ ■ ■
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
u Bi M H (17^18'19
In syllabic transcription, the list reads :
1. Nç-he-rï-n(aT), Northern Syria. 2. He-tà, Hittite country, west of 1.
3. 'A-ra-(sa), Cyprus, cuneiform Alasia. 4. (Sa)-n-ge-(ra), Singara in Northern
Mesopotamia. 6. Ke-f-ti (i. e. to), originally, the coast of Asia Minor. 7. K-(ïra-
ka-mi-sa) on the Euphrates. 8. Tu-ne-(p), probably in the lower Orontes-valley.
9. Kad-s, the capital of the Amorîtes on the upper Orontes. 10. 'A-kà (i. e. ko)-
r(ï-t), the Ugarrtt of the Amarna tablets. 11. Kad-ï-n(a) (read Kode " circle"), the
coast of Northern Phœnicia. 12. I suppose Ti-hï-sï, the usual associate of Kades.
Read | ti instead of the ha ^ whiçh Prof. Sayce believed to see? 14. Prof. Sayce
adds in his letter " perhaps Mannus". It seems to me, the arrangement of the signs
makes tins reading rather improbable. Perhaps (U)-nu-(g)^ 15. Ti-y-{ta), unknown,
see below. 16. 'A-(ra-t-tu^), Arvad, Aradus? — The rest efîaced.
It seems évident that the artists of Ramses II compiled their list from the columns
of Amenhotp III in Semneh, L., D., III, 88 g, etc.; a common source is far less pro-
bable. There, we find the same uncommon orthography : Kad-ï-na, and our Nro. 15,
written in full ~| ( ( (a name with which I cannot do anything)1. Nevertheless, the
new list is not destit'ute of interest and Prof. Sayce deserves our gratitude for having
copied thèse fragments. I thank him personally for his amiable communication.
L'épenthèse est un phénomène consistant en ce qu'une consonne se trouvant suivie
d'un i, ê, y, d'un u, ou d'un v, autrement dit de toute voyelle autre que a ou de la semi-
1. Peut-être faut-il lire ~| ( ( [y/q^ Diyah, et comparer "| ( ( ( de Touthmosis III, 11° 74, où ( ^ serait
l'équivalent de . — G. M.
1 \>