Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Malinowski, Jerzy [Hrsg.]; Siemiradzki, Henryk [Gefeierte Pers.]
Co znajduje się w obrazach Henryka Siemiradzkiego? — Sztuka Europy Wschodniej /​ The Art of Eastern Europe, Band 5: Warszawa: Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata, 2017

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Открытые письма начала XX века с картин Генриха Семирадского


Циркуляры 1899 = «Циркуляры начальника Глав-
ного управления почт и телеграфов. 28 декабря
1899 г. № 149. О пересылаемых внутри Империи
открытых письмах на бланках частного изготов-
ления», Почто во-телеграфный журнал. Отдел
официальный, 52 (1899): 1002-1003.

Цуканов, Шестимиров, Лебедев, Твердохлебов 2015
= Цуканов, П[авел] Д., Шестимиров, Алек-
сандр] А., Лебедев, ВЦадимир] Б., Твердохлебов,
М[ихаил] Т: «Работы Г. И. Семирадского на от-
крытках», Филокартия, 3 (2015): 25-29.

Natalya Mozokhina
Postcards from the beginning of the 20th century based
on Henryk Siemiradzki^ pictures
This article is devoted to the history of the publication of artistic postcards based on reproductions of
Henryk Siemiradzkis pictures in Russia at the beginning of the 20ch century. The history of the publica-
tion of the pictures stored in the Russian Museum of the Emperor Alexander III is reviewed: Phryne at the
Poseidonia in Eleusis, Christ at Marfa and Maria and Sinner. The following publishing houses issues these
postcards: A. Ya. Ilstein, an unknown Russian publisher, F. B. Bernstein in favour of schools of Imperial
Womens Patriotic Society, publishing house of St. Evgenia’s Community, joint-stock company Granberg
in Stockholm, own publishing house of the Russian Museum of the emperor Alexander III. If the Russian
publishers printed cards from the photos provided by the museum or from earlier issued postcards and
reproductions, the joint-stock company Granberg published the coloured reproductions of pictures of the
artist, and also the сору from fragments of pictures executed by unknown masters from photos or originals
on postcards and giving out them for Siemiradzkis etudes and sketches. A large number of black-and-
white reproductive postcards was published by the Polish publishers, also they issued postcards with the
artists portraits. Approximately on a half of the issued postcards are reproduced pictures which location
isn’t known. In 2015 the catalog of cards of Siemiradzki madę by the principle of the catalog of pictures
according to authorship of signatures on postcards was published. Some copies from works of the artist
and a postcard with wrong publishing inscriptions got to it. Publishing approach to making up the new
catalog will allow to define the first card with a reproduction of a picture of Siemiradzki, to track loan of
images from the publisher to the publisher and with this help to characterize their publishing activity, to
cut the cards printed not from original canvases of the master and also to build chronology of editions.