Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Żygulski, Zdzisław
Dzieje zbiorów puławskich: Świątynia Sybilli i Dom Gotycki — Kraków, 2009

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arms of victorious Polish commanders; and trophies from the Battle of Vienna led by King John
Sobieski. There were also mementos of Tadeusz Kościuszko, the leader of the first Polish Uprising
of 1794, and of Prince Joseph Poniatowski, a hero of the Napoleonie Wars. Some relics were taken
out of the royal tombs at Wawel Castle. There were also less trustworthy relics of other famous
people, such as the astronomer Copernicus, and the poet Kochanowski. In addition, the Princess
concealed in her tempie numerous old documents, books with miniatures, costumes, uniforms,
saddles and trappings, crystal and silver vessels, mostly coming from old family treasuries. The
lower room of the Tempie, erypt-hke, was decorated with bronze shields in memory of not just
aristocratic families, but also of the young Polish army, of General Dabrowskis Legions in Italy
and the army of the Warsaw Duchy, established by Napoleon. In the middle of the erypt an obelisk
for Prince Poniatowski was erected. This room was also used for the meetings of Womens Free-
masonic Lodge, presided by the Princess.

The Gothic House

In her younger years, not too happy with her husband, Princess Izabela spent her time
travelling, visiting the European capitals and fully enjoying the courtly life of the ancient regime.
The heroinę of celebrated romances, always sensitive to art and poetry, experienced in literaturę,
a virtuoso of refined conversation and intimate correspondence, she was fascinated by modern
philosophy and deism. In France she did not miss the opportunity to meet Madame Geoffrin and
Jean Jacąues Rousseau. She felt at home at the Austrian court, as her husband kept friendly ties
with Emperor Francis I. In Switzerland she made contact with Johann Casper Lavater and was
captivated by his works as a physiognomist. In 1790, in the company of her first-born son Adam
Georg, who was twenty at the time, she extensively toured England and Scotland, staying in Lon-
don, Oxford, Salisbury and Edinburgh. A devoted reader of Shakespeare, she visited the house
where he was born at Stratford-upon-Avon, where for the sum of twenty guineas she acąuired an
oak chair of the poet, and this transaction was documented by a notary. Obviously, she was already
thinking of founding a museum at her Puławy residence, and the chair was intended as an item for
it. Her inereasing passion for collecting soon bore astoundingly rich fruit. In Scotland the Ham-
ilton family presented her with a portrait of Mary Stuart. In London, at the auction of William
Rawlys collection, she bought a powder horn of superior ąuality from the treasury of King Henry
VIII, and Ohver Cromwells original buff coat. From the sister of Captain James Cook she acąuired
some objects which belonged to the brave explorer, among others, his sword. During her tour, the
Princess came into contact with the phenomenon of young British Romanticism, which aroused
her enthusiasm and activity. While reading the Ossianic ballads, she could immediately confront
the legends with the reality and the relics of the past. She admired medieval cathedrals and castles,
and their no less picturesąue ruins. She was invited to the country houses of lords and enjoyed all
the charms of romantic parks, imitating naturę in its pure form. And finally, and most importantly,
she saw buildings imitating antiąue temples and medieval "Gothic houses".

The idea of the Gothic House as a second museum in Puławy was born when the Tempie
of the Sibyl was ready. Close to the Tempie there was in the park a baroąue pavilion for the plea-
sure of guests. At the Princesss reąuest, Aigner was instructed to remodel it into a museum in the
Gothic style. In fact, the architect as a true classicist disliked the idea. He designed ogival windows