Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[January 4, 1879.

Orby et Urbi, 256

Order in the Bast, 81

Our August Representative Man, 69, 96

Our Failures, 5

Our Mayors, 245

Our Representative Man, 107,117,141, <&c.

Our Saviours, 113

Out of Seasou Questions for Beauties, 49
Page from Kelly's Directory (A), 238
Paniers, 245

Paradoxical Planets, 161

Parallel (A), 61

Paris Congresses, 133

Parliamentary Report, 33

Parson's Grate (The), 300

Pas de Deux (A), 53

" Pas de Deux " (The), 42

"Pas de Trois! " (A), 210

Past and Present, 36

Pastoral Symphony (A), 108

Paying for a Pearl, 58

" Peace with Honour," 66

People on Palaver (The), 49

Phrases for Travellers, 16

Pick's Pocket Picked, 45

Pig-Stickers, Beware ! 206

Pious Chancellors Creed (The), 264

Plain Speaking, 262

Play ! 18

Play and Work, 33
Pleasantries of a Primus, 169
Pleasures of Foreign Travel (The), 169
Poet and Prophet, 217
Poet (of the Period) (The), 252
Police in the Purlieus (The), 60
Porte-Monnaie and Pistol, 87
"Post Equitem ! " 270
Power of Speech (The), 193
Preaching and Practice, 48
Prelatical Plethora (A), 29
Preparing the Indian Pickle, 157
Products of Peace (The), 105
Professional View of Things (A), 277
Public Wheel (The), 131
Punch, 113

Punch's Notes on his Own Archdeacon's,


Punch's Prize Christmas Acrostic, S00
Punch's Prophecies for 1879, 309
Punch Stands Corrected, 189
Punch's Weather Warnings next week,

Punch v. Phoebus, 275
Putting a Legal Point on it, 285
Qualified Welcome (A), 306
Queer Fish at Westminster, 137
Race and Ribbon, 42
Railway Economy, 258
Railway Insurance, 300
Railway Mismanagement, 113
Real Couleur de Rose, 180
Really Cruel Case (A), 241
Reasons for Going Abroad, 36
Recipes from a Decoration Cookery-Book,

Recommendation (A), 239

Regina v. Regina, 73

Requiring "Rectification," 269

Resolve of Hellas (The), 4

Respite for Rogues (A), 217

Reverend Rock of Defence, 205

Revival (A), 18

Riddles for the Recess, 48

Right Man in the Right Place (The), 215

Rise and Fall of the Jack Spratts (The),

98, 110, 122, &c.
Ritualistic Confession (A), 207
Ritualistic Rumours, 77
Rival Sportsmen, 130
Round of Rhymes (A), 180
Rule and No Rule, 229
" Rule, Britannia ! " 84
Rules in Rhyme, 144
Ruminations for 1879, 301
Run through the Midlands (A), 194
Run with Old Bucks (A), 225
Sabbatarian Similitude, 157
Sabbatarian Success (A), 137
Saddle on the Right Horse (The), 169
" Same Concern" (The), 306
Samuel Phelps, 219
Sarve 'em Right, 12
Saving in Show (AX 17
Scandal to Scotland (A), 17
Schoolmaster Abroad (The), 6
Scientific Rectifications, 245
Seaman and the Scribe (The), 112
Seasonable French Exercise (A), 207
Self-Coronation, 138
Shadow on the Hills (The), 150
Shoes or No Shoes ? 5
Silly Season Sillier than ever (The), 97
Simla Similibus, 191

Six Days of a Subaltern's Diary—Cyprus,

Skyflying—Captive and Loose, 225

Slides for Mr. Punch's Magic Lantern, 289

Smollett's Comment, 69

Snip and Snob, 131

Social Science and Sunday, 2C9

Society Journal (The), 264

Soldier's Song, 198

Solvitur Ambulando, 69

Some Christmas Books for Children, 276

Something like a Duel, 263

Something like Athletics, 221

Something like a Welcome ! 65

Something Sensational, 126

Song of the Bells (The), 216

Sorceries of Science (The), 253

Sors Horatiana, 13

Speculation on Cyprus, 45

Sphinx and the Obelisk (The). 93

Spiritualism in St. Peter's, 270

Starvation and Social Science, 158

State v. Science (The), 179

Steel Horso (The), 144

Street Lamps and Street Lights, 13

Strike that should be a Hit (A), 33

Strong, but Pleasant, 146

Strong-headed Hero, 249

Success, 41

Suggestions for Lord Mayor's Show, 220

Suites to the Sweet, 129

Sunday Opening at Manchester, 113

Surplice and Surplus, 77

Tale and its Root (A), 78

Talk of the Train, 105

Taste beyond the Tweed, 146

Tea-Room Reflections, 288

Temple Bar Redivivus, 63

Testing the Thames, 265

" There and (not) back ! " 114

Throwing the Shoe, 4 5

To His Grace the Dake of Bedford, 156

Too Dead a Certainty, 100

To John Ruskiu, 253

" Too Strange not to be True," 33

To the Finest of Fruits, 97

" Tout va bien ! " 203

Travellers' Dreams, 25

Travellers' Phrases, 167

Triumph of the Callein Og (The), 106

Turkeys' Petition (The), 2S0

Two Bills and True Bills, 205

" Une Cause Celebre," 257

Unfeminine Intelligence, 94

University Musical Exam., 297

Unnecessary Indignation, 124

Ventjs's Oven, 203

Very Much Abroad, 165

Very Natural Inference (A), 202

Very Serious, 310

Voice from the Lions' Heads (A), 5
Voice of the Church (A), 270
War without Sinews, 240
Was it Really? 142
Weaving his Crown, 18
We 're all a-Nagging, 298
What came of Tapping the Wires, 281
What it may Come to, 204
What Sunday-Closing does for Dublin,

What the New City Peal Says, 205
When the Bill comes in, 73
" Where are We now?" 234
Which Devour Widows' Houses, &c., 221
" Whichever you like, My Little Dears,"

Who Knows Best? 217

Why we have got it, 17
Willow ! 136

Wisdom on its Rounds, 251
Wonders will never Cease, 179
Worker and his Wages (The), 220
Worker's Query (A), i44
" Working of the Wires," &c, 228
Ye Cricketers of England, 132


Arduous Quest (An), 295

At the Head of the Profession, 199

Bad Example (A) 55

" Best of Friends must Part" (The), 139

Blaze of Triumph (A), 31

Disgorging, 103

Edison Light (The), 187

Fog and Fireworks, 223

" Humpty-Dumpty " ! 19

Indian Curry, 163

Making Things Pleasant, 67

" Nous avons change tout cela !" 283

" Otium cum Diz ! " 127

"Pasde Deux" (The), 43

"Pas de Trois !" (A), 211

" Poor Buffer !" 175

" Post Equitem ! " 2S1

Qualified Welcome (A), 307

" Save me from my FrieDds," 247

Schoolmaster Abroad (The), 7

Shadow on the Hills (The), 151

St. George and the Dragon, 79

"There and (not) back!" 115

Way of the Wiod (The), 91

" Where are we Now? " 235

"Who's to Pay?" 259


Afghan Cock and British Bulldog, 146
Alfred Carrying the Things Himself, 69
Arbitration at Ironopolis, 109
Archie's Holiday Task, 95
Artist's Friendly Critic (An), 23
Artist's Wife's Method of Pricing Pic-
tures, 132
Asinine Critic (An), 215
Australian Cricketers (The), 59
Austrian Policeman (The), 86
Bagpipes and the German Band, 6
Bath-Chairmen in their own Chairs, 162
Beaconsfield's Game of Chess, 182
Beaconsfield, Winner of Cyprus Cup, 14
Beautiful Timber-jumping ! 250
Big Dog in a Cab (A), 145
Brown's Toothbrush, 71
Buried Bacon's Effect on Asters, 133
Busy Dressmaker (A), 94
Buying a "Life of Petrarch," 277
Buying Stockings, 251
Cabman's Nearest Visit to Church, 279
Canine Cricketer (A), 111
Cautious Wedding Announcement (A), 133
Chamber of Beauties (A), 270
Cleopatra's Needle placed at last, 121
Coach and his Pupil (A), 227
Colonel and Private Smith's Letter, 238
Convalescent Fox-hound Puppy (A), 202
Costume of Tattoo Marks (A), 210
Crysophone Quartett (A), 275

Discussion on Birthdays (A), 166

Elderly Belle and the Major (The), 239

Electric Light (The), 118

Eton v. Harrow at Lords', 62

Facetious Old and Crusty Carpenter, 229

Firing by the Compass, 195

Foreign Decorations, 218

Geese and the Gold Medals, 34

Geneva or Milan? 102

Girls' B. & S. Club (The), 282

Girls well brought up, 198

Gladstone in Manxland, 158

" Grace's " Wonderful Doings, 36

Grandpapa's Story of Noah's Ark, 144

Grocer's Assistant with a Tenor Voice, 142

Guernsey Egg (A), 60

Gymnastic Professor's Instructions(A), 25

Haircutter's Advice (A), 75

Hairdresser and the Colonel (The), 191

"Half-price, under Twelve," 193

'* Happy New Year ! " (A), 302

Harry's Opinion on Threatenings, 107

Home-Ruler's Last Grievance (A), 274

Housemaid Describing Vestments, 299

Hunting the Afghan Boar, 206

Iced Water and Sawdust, 105

Injured Railway Engine (An), 243

Insulting a Doctor, 171

Intoxicated Bridegroom (An), 180

Irish Cotter Girl and Pig, 217

Irish Gardener's Sunday Whiskey, 233

Irish Maid who is always out (Aai), 93

Irish Porter and the Cracked Wheel, 167

Italian Organ-Grinder's Revenge (An), 186

Jack and the Nice Comers, 54

Jack's Sham Fainting Fit, 114

Jamming a Little Finger, 246

Jingo Gardener and Liberal Cook, 214

Labelled Waterproof (A), 226

Labourer and a Buried Urn (A), 129

Ladies' Hats and Likenesses, 47

Lady and Housemaid, 76

Lawn Tennis in the Dark, 82

Lawn-Tennis over the Garden Wall, 150

Leighton, President, Royal Academy, 242

Long Walk to the Kirk (A), 13

Mac Cullum Mohr's Triumph (The), 106

Minister and Servant Gii-ls (A), 294

Miss Matilda's Lawn Tennis Shoes, 66

Mr. Blades at Buxton. 267

Musical Box at Wimbledon Camp (A), 39

New Governess and Clever Children, i8

New Volume of Poems (A), 11

Noah's Arks too Denominational, 255

Not Hungry, but Greedy, 290

Novel Advice to a Patient, 119

Old Gent and Safety Matches. 22

Old Lady and the Cabmen's Shelter, 153

Organ-Grinders' Future Music, 298

" Papa taken to a Bicycle," 219

Parlour-Maid's Retort (A), 306

Passenger to Colney Hatch (A), 190

Pince-nez better than Spectacles (A), 15

Precautions against Burglary, 87

Preserved Game aud Preserved Fruit, 234

Pretty Little Filly (A), 135

Punch in St. Petersburg, 230

Quiet Horse (A), 49

Racing for a Train, 241

Reasons for Taking Insurance Ticket, 63

Results of Tommy s Castigation, 258

Ribbonmen and the Landlord (The), 27

Royal Academy President's Slipper, 170

Royal Horse Artillery Officer (A), 123

Rubini Brown's Barcarole, 2

Russia and Britain Shere Stalking, 130

Ruth's Accomplishments, 126

School Inspector and Local Magnate, 58

Scotch Bailie's Sentence (A), 120

Scotch Hostess and Sunday Traveller, 147

Shooting for the Dogs, 131

Sir John Jones's Substitute, 35

Sir Stafford, the Huntsman, 194

Skeleton Enemy (A). 52

Socialist Jack-in-the-Box (The), 143

Sporting Rector and Partridges, 85

Stables before Ladies, 181

Stammering Owner of a Big Dog (A), 51

"Stodge " or a Dance (A), 38

Testy Old Gentleman and Box-Keeper, 232

Time Washing the Old Year, 310

Tipsy Old Gent and Errand Boys, 287

Tommy Playing at "Footman," 174

Tourists and a French Notice, 203

Trap for his Mother-in-law (A), 303

Two Lady'smaids (The), 253

Two Swell Dragoons, 169

Undertaker's Strange Customer (An), 99

Venus and Wolseley at Cyprus, 46

Very Young Hunting-Boy (A), 262

Volunteer Colonel's Word ot Command, 42

Waiter and a Halfpenny Gratuity, 156

What Adam and Eve thought of Cam, 78

What there was of Great-Grandpapa, 90

Whistler v. Ruskin, 254

Wishing even an Enemy to turn up, 30

Wonderful Hand at Whist (A), 222

Young Curate and Old Lady, 207

Young Equestrian and Artist, 286

Young Lady Starting for the Hunt, 231

london : bradbury, aonew, & co., printers, whitefriar8.



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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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H 634-3 Folio






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Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Punch, 75.1878, Index, S. 312