Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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About Cyprus, 25

Absolutely Necessary, 81

Across the Kecp-it-Dark Continent, 9,

21, 28, Ac.
Addenda to Yankee Doodle, 155
Adieu to the Australians, 187
" Advance, Australia ! " 59
After the Season, 49
All in a Carte, 208
All the Difference, 36
Almighties at Odds, 1S6
Amazing 1 213

Angelina at the Exhibition, 189

Angelina on her Travels, 156

Angelina's View of it, 53

Annual Feline Famine, 101

Another Naval Review, 77

Applauding Populace (An). 274

Archaeologists at Work, 166

Arduous Quest (An), 294

" Arras and the Men," 251

Arms of Cyprus (The), 73

Arrangements in Black and White, from

a Statesman's Note-Book, 66
'Arry at the Play, 196
'Arry on Himself, 277
'Arry on 'Igh Life, 24
'Arry on Pooty Women, 121
At Cost of Costa, 264
At it Again ! 108
At the Berlin Banquet, 1
Attraction at Her Majesty's, 274
Awe-fully Jolly! 237
Awful Prospect (An), 191
Awkward Name (An), 156
Bad Example (A), 5t
Bad News for Doctors, 261
Ballad for John Bull. 191
Battle of the Guns (The), 12
Bed and Board in Gaol, 36
Believer in Darwin (A), 108
Benefit of Bogey (The), 282
" Best of Friends must part " (The), 138
Betsy Prig and the Muse of History, 61
" Better Day Better Deed," 149
Between Advocates and Architects, 77
Between Two Fires, 125
Betwixt Cards and Crackers, 289
" Bien Venu qui Apporte 1" 46
Birthdays in Store, 132
Births and Begging-Letters, 97
Black Prospect (A), 264
Blaze of Triumph (A), 30
Blue Riband of Diplomacy, 97
Boring for Water, 96
Bos, M.P., locutus est, 264
Branding a Buck, 84
Brand New One (A), 142
Brigandage at Home, 192
Brightness and Beauty, 233
Bristol Menu (A), 287
Bull and the Scarlet Cloth, S5
Bundle of Sticks (The), 181
By a Thames Conservator, 287
Cabinet Council (The), 258
Cad's a Cad for a' that (A), 241
Cads and Counterparts, 97
Cambridge Colours, 203
Canine Canonisation, 274
Cannibalism v. Vivisection, 204
Case for a Composer (A), 45
Case for the Water-Cure (A), 11
Casts of " Characters," 150
Causation or Coincidence ? 220
Cause and Effect, 197
Caution, 33

Chancellor's Functions (A), 29
Change of Title, 13
" Cheaper and Cheaper still," 229
Cheap Pony (A), 45
Chinese Tribute (A), 207
Christmas Appeals, 292
Christmas Day a la Good Old Time, 304
Christmas Fancies, 293
Christmas Presents, 300
Christmas Waits, 2S2 1
Circular Notes, 125. 147, 108, &c
Civic Festivities, 277
Classical Sea-side Trip, 58
Class of Cases (A), 292
Coinage for Cyprus (A), 229
Collective Folly, 30
Colonial Question (A), 132
Comfort for Cattle, 161
Comfort to Canada, 174
Comic Journey (The), 109
Complex Conundrum, 239
Concerts in Colours, 265
Cooking and Dishing, 198
Cooks and the Broth (The), 181
Co-operative Wedding Presents, 4
Covent Garden Obstructionists, 81
Crime and Cackle, 90
Crimson Scalps ! 182
"Cum Grano," 145
Curious Correspondence (A), 48
Curious Optical Phenomenon, 182
Customary Candour, 233
Cyprus Be-rhymed, OS
Cyprus—the Ideal and the Real, 310
Darwinism and Dogma, 85
Darwinism for Doctors, 165
Definitions for a Civic Dinner, 239
De Jure et De Facto. 191
Different Ways of Twisting 'Em, 2S7
Disgorging, 102
Dishing and Dished, 133
Ditto to Dufferin, 190
Diva Potens Cypri, 60
Dogma and Drink, 282
Domestic Economy, 131
Doubtful Prospect (A), 36
Down on Him, 124
Dr. Cross's Degree, 193
Dream of Queer Women (A\ 166
Drummed Out, 61

Echoes of the Back Stairs, 207, 221, 240,

Edison Light and the Silly Birds (The),

Efficiency and Economy, 9
Eminently Appropriate, 229
Epitaph on the Argyll Rooms, 173
Equivocal Announcement, 121
Essence of Parliament, 3. 14, 25, &c.
" Excursions ! Alarms ! " 119
Expert and Tyro, 114
Fair Game, 84
Fallacies of the Country, 220
Farming Prospects, 252
Fashionable Finery, 132
Favourite Flowers, &c. 168
Feathering the Arrow, 25
Fees and Fares, 120
Fees and Fees' Worth, 105
" Fiasco of Cyprus" (The), 173
First-Fruits, 13
Fog and Fireworks, 222
Fore-Wheel and Woe, 160
Fox-hunting According to Law, 244

Friends at a Distance, 213, 230, 24 2, &c. I Justice to Canada, "216
From a Valued Correspondent, 133 | Just in Time, 203

From Gartnavel Asylum, 251
From the Gazette, 162
From the North, 95
Fruitless, 1
Full of Emptiness, 124
Gazette Extraordinary, 13
Glasgow ABC, 246
Gleaning gone by, 78
Gnome for Beaconsfield (A), 239
Good for Trade, 133
Good Idea (A), 181
Goo.4 News for Schools, 275
Grave Guests, 228
Great Civic Retrenchment, 222
Greece asking for More, 73
Greece's Loans and Greece's Lovers, 180
Greetings for the New Year, 303
Gregarieus Fowl (A), 189
Grown-up Bonfire Boys, 228
Guide for the French in London, 129
Guildhall Oracle (The), 239
Hamlet Omitted, 13
Hammer and Pen, 48
Happy Cyprus ! 81
Happy Thought, 53
Hard Case (A), 12
Hard Work in the Workhouse, 120
Hazy, 225

Heads in Chancery, 49
Help in Hot Weather, 94
Hibernian Marvels, 153
Hish and Low Water, 81
Highly Reasonable Honour, 155
Home at Last! 262
Honour v. Right, 217
Hope for Humanity, 287
Hope for the New Egyptian Loan, 209
House that John Built (The), 246
" How are the Mighty Fallen ! " 249
" How I couldn't Find Stanley," 149
How to Enjoy a Happy Dog-day, 72
How to Enjoy a Holiday in Paris, 145
How to Keep the Peace, 233
How to Make a Fortune in Five Minutes,

How to Make Things Pleasant Abroad,

How to SpeDd an Unhappy Day in

London, 61
"Impar Congressus Achilli," 5
Important Notice, 227
Improvement (An), 218
Indian Relish, 162
Inelegant Extracts, 174
Injudicial Astrology, 124
In Memoriam—Princess Alice, f 93
In Paphian Bowers, 17
International Order, 93
In the Cellar, 137
In the Major Key, 275
In the Multitude of Councillors, 181
Irish Bull in Action (An), 42
Irish Educator (An), 274
Irish Tourists' Questions, 121
It Might have been Worse, 66
Jangling Chimes, 301
Jingo-Englishman (The), 215
Jingo-Paradise, 12
Jingo's Due, 239
Jockeys and Judges, 203
John Homespun on Imperialism, 233
John Maloney and Princess Alexandrina,

Judge not Hastily," 147

Just the Man for Hard Times, 249
Juvenile Attempt (A), 145
Keeping it Down, 143
Keep your Heads, 186
Kilkenny Cats (The), 192
Kindness and Cruelty to Animals, 166
Kissing the Rod, 251
Lament of the Vase (The), 145
Last Word to Whalley (A), 191
Latest from Afghanistan (The), 85
Latest Secession The), 237
Legal Japanning, 39
Legal Rope Broken (The), 61
Legal View (A), 41
Legion of Honour (The), 237
Les Partis Hostiles to La Ropublique, 193
" Le Spectre Rouge," 171
Less Sharp than Shears, If 5
Life in Him yet, 119
Light Entertainment (A), 96
"Light, more light! " 192
Limb of the Law (A), 124
" Lord send us a gude conceit o' oursels,"

Lotos-Eater in the Levant (The), 105

Love in the Mist, 196, 208

Maids and Mermaids, 33

Making the Best of Christmas, 281

Masculine and Feminine Fashions, 197

Medicinal Mirth, 179

Mem. after the Mill in the Lords, 41

Mercy by the Mersey, 169

Mermaid (The), 23

Millers and their Men, 241

Ministerial Memento, 87

Mirror of Parliament, 245

Missing Link (A), 73

Mixed Emotions, 18

Model Leader (A), 205

More Power to Him, 81

Moro Secret Agreements, 95

More Sites and Sounds, 165

Most Satisfactory, 190

Mottoes for Mr. Gladstone's Birthday-

Axo, 299
Mr. Punch at Wimbledon, 12
Mr. Punch's Own Annual, 276
" Much Cry and Little Wool," 277
" Much Wool and Little Cry," 63
New Idea, 299

New Leaves for the Ne'v Year, 305

New Nursery Rhyme, 120

New Policy (The), 153

New Rhyme for John Bull, 246

News from Cyprus. 78

New Year's Annual (The), 300

Next Best Thing. 259

Next Naval Review, 84

Nice Time of it, &c. (A), 86

Noble Example (A), 265

Nobs and Snobs, 180

No Business of Mice, 126

Notices of Motion, 30

Not " Universal as the Sun," 303

Nursery Rhyme of the Day, 287

Ode to the Coming Light, 177

Oionoktonon (The), 100

Old Clothes for Clergymen, 49

On a Fair Taradiddler, 85

On a Matter of Taste, 101

On Her Majesty's Service, 85

Only too True, 216

On the Boil, 60

On the Lino, 170

On the Wrong Horse, 201

Oppressed in Excelsis (The), 162



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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






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Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


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Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 75.1878, Index, S. 311