Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Hrsg.]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 6.2013

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Budzioch, Dagmara; Tomal, Maciej: The manuskript of the Moreh Nevuchim from the collection of the National Museum in Krakow
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156 Dagmara Budzioch, Maciej Tomal

son of Servado, son of Abramo was arrested on the accusation of stealing the writing pa-
per.15 This, however, reąuires the Identification of Servado with Ezracha/Zerachya, while
Servado seems to have its equivalent rather in Abadya or maybe Azarya.
Still another person that appears in the colophon, Ezrach ben Yicchaą, may be identi-
fied with a person for whom the so called “Italian machzor” (cod. De Rossi 959 from the
Biblioteca Palatina in Parma) was written.16 In the middle of the last parchment leaf, i.e.
No. 552, there is a short notę (5 lines and two words in the 6th one) written in black ink.
This text contrasts with the previous ones, as it is written in rather cursive script, some-
times blurred and with lines a little crooked. The scribe uses also a ligature of N and b. The
text runs as follows:
pm1 'm [2] mn n"nbr bNmm [DpNDiin tun bNTP "i"DDa iDiun bbPmp’ [1]
19n"nbr Dmim imzn [3] T":n mb\łt 'mb DAPinn mmn nt hyb 18T'':n 17ł"’p
[njriDw im ib ipi Am ob\m rra mynn [4] birpi vbN ynmm tn ibAtypn ’nnp: Nip:
bm iy mmi 'ibmwpn TiNm: [bN]“i\A im imza ,M,r DmziN dn [5] rp nrnm błyb
b’yb [ZLpmw [6] nn
[ 1 ] Yeąutiel, let him see his offspring and his days be prolonged, sofer, son of the distin-
guished teacher and rabbi Yechiel, the best of the physicians of Bethel20 [Da Synagoga], his
memory for the life in the world to come. Sold our teacher and rabbi Yicchaą, let him see his
offspring and his days be prolonged, mentioned above, this Moreh Nevuchim to our teacher
and rabbi Shlomo, let him see his offspring and his days be prolonged, mentioned above, [3]
son of the distinguished Avraham, let his memory be for the world to come. As [it happened
that] I was called in Castello when they sold [it was sold to him] him [i.e. to Shlomo], And he
[i.e. Yicchaą] received [4] money from his hand paid21 in my presence and swore him [that]
what is written above, is written by his hand. [5] [different handwriting] I, Avraham, let me
see my offspring and my days be prolonged, son of distinguished teacher and rabbi Nathan
Isra[el], I was in Castello and witnessed everything [6] that is written above.
Yeąutiel ben Yechiel - together with Avraham ben Nathan - seems to be a witness of
the contract between certain Yicchaą and Shlomo ben Avraham. The expressions con-
cerning witnessing of the transaction - “it was paid in my presence” - testify to that fact.
The whole colophon should have been, then, perceived as a list of witnesses of the trans-
action, i.e. a kind of invoice. Conseąuently, one could expect another document, i.e. the
contract itself. Especially, when the persons not occurring in the first colophon appear in
the second with the reference “mentioned [above]”.
Sonie difficulties are posed where the first name is concerned: Yeąutiel ben Yechiel
with the ąualifier bRFPm EPNDin TIIN [abir rofim mi-Bethel]. The person is mentioned

15 Ibidem, p. 306.
16 A. Toaff, ibidem, p. 36.
17 □,D1 ■piN1 y~lT riKT
18 iDTin :T":n
19 fon oAyn ”nb uhdt : n"nbT
70 Hebrew family name, in Italian Da Synagoga, see A. Toaff, ibidem.
21 Hebr. myn [meot] - fem. plur., ElbWD [meshullam] - masc. sing., see above.