Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Malinowski, Jerzy [Bearb.]
Polsky i rosyjscy artyści i architekci w koloniach artystycznych zagranicą i na emigracji politycznej 1815 - 1990 — Sztuka Europy Wschodniej /​ The Art of Eastern Europe, Band 3: Warszawa: Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata [u.a.], 2015

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Антонина А. Шаханова

Мокульский 1961 = Мокульский, С[тефан] С. (ред.):
Театральная энциклопедия, т. 1, Государственное
научное издательство Советская энциклопедия,
Москва 1961.
Мосусова 2003 = Мосусова, Н[адежда] Б.: «Дело
Браиловских и српска ме!)уратна сцена у огледалу
критике», Музикологща, 3 (2003): 81-112.
Новый энциклопедический словарь 1907 = Новый
энциклопедический словарь, т. VII, Ф. А. Брокгаузъ
- И. А. Ефронъ, Санкт-Петербург 1907.
Северюхин 2008 = Северюхин, Д[митрий] Я.: Ста-
рый художественный Петербург: рынок и самоор-
ганизация художников от начала XVIII века до
1932 года, М1РЪ, Санкт-Петербург 2008.

Судейкина 2006 = Судейкина, В[ера]: Дневник: Пе-
троград. Крым. Тифлис: 1917-1919, Русский
путь, Книжница, Москва 2006.
Ebersolt 1906 = Ebersolt, Jean: Fresques byzantines
de Nereditsi dapres les aquarelles de M. Brajlovskij,
Leroux, Paris 1906.
Monuments et Memoires 1894-1911 = Monuments
et Memoires publie par 1’Acadernie des Inscriptions et
Belles-lettres, t. 13, Paris 1894-1911.
Sladek, Belosevska 1998 = Sladek, Zdenek, Belosevska,
Ljubov (ред.): Dokumenty dejinam ruske a ukrajinske
emigrace v Ceskoslovenske republice (1919-1939) /
Документы к истории русской и украинской эми-
грации в Чехословацкой республике (1918-1939),
Slovansky ustav, Praha 1998.

Antonina A. Shakhanova
On the roads of the Russian emigration.
Leonid M. Brailovsky (1867-1937)
Leonid M. Brailovsky (born in Kharkov), a Russian architect and designer, graduated from the Academy
of Arts in Sankt Petersburg. Between 1895-1898 he visited Paris, Italy and Mistra (Greece). From 1898
he taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, from 1906 at the Stroganov
College of Arts and Industry. Friend of Stanisław Noakowski, he was an important watercolur painter.
He studied the interiors of palaces (Prince Yusupov’s pałace in Moscow) and fresco paintings in Yaroslav,
Rostov and Novgorod. He worked as a stage designer. After the October Revolution, Brailovsky emigrated
to Belgrad, where he was connected as designer to the Royal Theatre. As of 1924 he prepared a series
of paintings Kisions of Old Russia in Romę. In 1935 Brailovsky was a founder of the Yatican Museum of
Russian Religious Architecture in the Congregation of Eastern Churches. He died in Romę.