Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Malinowski, Jerzy [Bearb.]
Polsky i rosyjscy artyści i architekci w koloniach artystycznych zagranicą i na emigracji politycznej 1815 - 1990 — Sztuka Europy Wschodniej /​ The Art of Eastern Europe, Band 3: Warszawa: Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata [u.a.], 2015

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Галина П. Тулузакова

ностью жизни в послереволюционной России,
свобода, благополучие и открывшиеся возмож-
ности чрезвычайно стимулировали творчество.
С другой стороны, американские стандарты,
весьма отличные от устоев русского образа жиз-
ни, еще не влияли на художника. Именно поэто-
му в Нью-Йорке было создано немало безуслов-
ных шедевров, таких как Ия с дыней (1923), Ню
(1923), Лето (1924), Портрет гравера (1924),
Миссис Фешина с дочерью (1925), серия кали-
форнийских пейзажей 1925 года. Особое место
занимают в нью-йоркский период творчества
Фешина портреты русских эмигрантов - худож-
ников, артистов, музыкантов. Виртуозные тех-
нически, они не менее важны как свидетельство

времени, сохранившие образы людей, которые
«(...) унесли с собой Россию».
Евреинов 1922 = Евреинов, Н[иколай] Н.: Оригинал
о портретистах-. (К проблеме субъективизма в ис-
кусстве), Государственное издательство, Москва
Burliuk 1958 = Burliuk, Maria: «N. I. Fechin - great
painter (his life and works in USA, 1923-1956)»,
Color and RhymeHS (1958): 1-11.
Fechin 1950-e = Fechin, Nicolai: «Autobiography»,
[рукопись, 1950-е, частный архив, США].

Galina P. Tuluzakova
Nicolai Fechin and Russian emigrants in New York
Nicolai Fechin is one of the outstanding Russian artists of the beginning of the 20th century, whose crea-
tivity was based on the traditions of Russian academic and realistic school. For him naturę (in the broad
sense) was an inexhaustible subject of cognition, human values would have a priori importance, interest
and sympathy for the life of the common man persisted throughout the artisric career. At the same time,
he was one of the most brilliant masters of the Art Nouveau style. The dualism of the real and the con-
ventional, special attention to the aesthetics of form, the worship of beauty, the understanding of which
is extremely complicated, incredible technical maestro, artisric universalism, as he worked as a painter,
draftsman, sculptor, wood carver, architect - all signs and fearures of Art Nouveau style we can found in
Fechins work. Emigration of the artist in the United States in 1923 was an escape from the horror and
chaos of post-revolutionary years, but the deeply rooted connection with the homeland remained until
his death. In the early years of emigration, particularly important to him was the communication with the
Russian Diaspora in New York City, especially with Creative people. His Russian friends became models
of his portraits - artist David Burliuk, opera singer Evfaliya Khatayev, Russian-French theater director
Nicholas Evreinov, ballerina Vera Fokin, the wife of the outstanding choreographer Michel Fokin, com-
poser Ariadna Mikeshina. These relationships - part of the picture of life of the Russian artisric emigra-
tion, the restoration of history is so important for us today.