Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Malinowski, Jerzy [Bearb.]
Polsky i rosyjscy artyści i architekci w koloniach artystycznych zagranicą i na emigracji politycznej 1815 - 1990 — Sztuka Europy Wschodniej /​ The Art of Eastern Europe, Band 3: Warszawa: Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata [u.a.], 2015

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Крутые маршруты русских художников-эмигрантов, ушедших на Запад...


Svetlana М. Chervonnaya / Świetlana Czerwonnaja
The difficult ways of the Russian artists emigrating from the USSR
during the Second World War in Exile
If the first waves of the Russian artistic emigration, that were formed in the beginning of the 20th century,
are studied very well in the worlds art history, then the phenomenon of the Russian artistic emigration
formed in the dramatic circumstances of the World War II is nearly unknown for the public and has next
to nothing in the scientific literaturę and art criticism. By comparison with the mass and very rich emigra-
tion from other peoples and Republics of the former Soviet Union (Ukrainę, Lithuania, Landa, Estonia),
where the important part of the artists became to the refugees on the end of the World War II, the Rus-
sian emigration of this time was not numerous. It was connected with the earlier national waves (with
the groups of the Russian artists in exile) not so closely like the artists from other (non-Russian) peoples,
for example like Ukrainian artistic emigration within the older and younger generations were tightly
cooperated. The Russian artists who managed to fly from the USSR had no nostalgia about the “Russia,
that we havc lost”: they too well knew all dark sides of the soviet reality, and there were nonę idealistic
motives in the interpretation of the abandoned Motherland in their works created in the post-war exile.
The complicated Creative ways of the Russian artists (of the 1940. Years) in the middle and second half
of the 20th century are considered in this article on the samples of four biographies of the forgotten by
the Russia artists. There are the educated in the Vitebsk art school and in the new Russian art academy
painter Nikolai Pashkevich; the Muscovite Mikhail Ivanovich, who found itself together with his son Boris
in the Austria and in the Vienne art academy (persons of the Mark Zavolokins novelle Emigrants-, and
two young refugees from Leningrad district - Serge Hollerbach, who studied later in Munich, worked as
graphic and writer in Paris and USA, and Eino Hansi, who has reached successes and obtained recogni-
tion in Sweden as sculptor and cinematography worker. The most facts of these biographies are found
by the author during the archival and field researches and are published in this article for the first time.