
Nováček, Jan; Scheelen-Nováček, Kristina; Schultz, Michael; Bjørnstad, Gro; Steskal, Martin; Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften / Verlag [Hrsg.]; Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut [Mitarb.]
Das Grabhaus 1/08 in der Hafennekropole von Ephesos: Ergebnisse der anthropologischen und paläopathologischen Untersuchung kaiserzeitlich-spätantiker Kollektivgräber — Forschungen in Ephesos, Band 16,1: Wien: Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2020

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7 Fazit und Ausblick

femoral fractures were apparently professionally treated and repaired is impressive evidence of
the exceptional medical knowledge of the Ephesian doctors, a fact that was known at the time.
To what extent the results of the present investigation of the human remains from Tomb
1/08 from the Harbour Necropolis are in fact representative for the imperial and Late Antique
population of Ephesos cannot be answered. The random sample of 169 well-preserved and
extensively examined individuals from a self-contained tomb complex probably belongs, at the
current time, to the most representative and most well analysed skeleton series from the appli-
cable chronological and geographical context. Nevertheless, the study deals only with a small
section of the population of a specific social stratum or of a household in a broader sense, that
lived in the city at that time. This is also documented by the consistently established differences
between the individuals from the five different tombs concerning the illnesses they suffered.
The comparison with the results of additional anthropological studies from different find spots
from the neighbouring geographical area is not unqualifiedly possible due to the stark variation
in methodological standards. Overall, however, variations are apparent not only with regard to
the chronological development but also with regard to the habitat, for example urban or rural
environment. In order to gain a better understanding and an at least partial clarification of the
issues opened up here, a broadly diversified diachronic comparison with similarly detailed inves-
tigation results of additional skeletal series, both from Ephesos and from the bordering region,
is a desideratum for the future. The current, extensive investigation results of the individuals
from Tomb 1/08 from the Harbour Necropolis can serve as a basis for this. In their significance
for the habitat conditions of the residents of the metropolis of Ephesos who were buried in this
tomb, the results already represent a substantial expansion of knowledge regarding the imperial
and Late Antique city and its inhabitants.
Translation: Sarah Cormack
Mezar Evi 1/08’den gelen insan kahntilarmm antrapolojik ve paleopatolojik incelemelerinin
sonuglan, buradaki be§ mezarda defnedilen bireylerin arasmda kismen önemli farkhliklar oldu-
gunu ortaya koymu§tur.
Ottawa’daki (Kanada) A. E. Lalonde AMS Laboratuan’ndayapilan radyokarbon tarihlemesi-
nin kamtladigi üzere sadece nispeten daha az definin yapildigi Mezarlar 4 ve 5, daha büyük olan
Mezarlar 1,2 ve 3 ’ten gok daha kisa bir zaman arahgmda kullamm görmü§lerdir. Büyük iki mezar
Mezar 1 ve 3, defnedilen bireylerin sayismm fazlahgmmdan da anla§ildigi gibi, 5. Yüzyilm
erken dönemlerine kadar olmak üzere, en uzun süre kullamm gören mezarlardir. Yeti§kin kadm
ve erkeklerin yamnda 14 ya§ alti gok sayida kügük gocugun da iginde yer aldigi represantatif ve
kan§ik definier, yillar boyunca devam eden süreli bir kullammi gösteren resme uygundur. Bu
aym zamanda, olasihkla bo§altilan bir yada bir gok mezardan gelen iskeletlerin ikincil olarak
defnedildigi Mezar 2’deki kemik kalmtilan i?in de gegerlidir. Her üq durumda da örnegin farkli
insan gruplarmm kollektif mezarlan olduklan dü§ünülebilir, örnegin bir ailenin veya daha geni§
anlamda bir hane halkimn bir kismi. Bu varsayim, paleopatolojik incelemelerle ortaya gikan,
özellikle büyük mezarlar Mezar 1 ve 3’ten gelen bireyler arasmdaki görülen farkh hastalik
agirhklan ve hastalik sikhklan ile de desteklenir. Bu baglamda, örnegin ge§itli mesleki gruplar,
sosyal gruplar ya da sikhkla yapilan i§ler dü§ünülebilir. Aynca vücut hijyeni, beslenme §ekil-
leri ve genetik olarak belirlenmi§ yatkmhklar bakimmdan farkhliklar da olasidir. Bu durumun
agikhga kavu§turulmasi amaciyla ileriki zamanlarda, diger Qah§malarm yamnda gekirdek DNA
düzeyinde gergekle§tirilecek fieri derecedeki genetik incemelerin yapilmasi i?in gabalanmaktadir.
Hem iskelet morfolojisi hem de paleogenetik bazdaki incelemelerle, Mezar 2, 3 ve 4’te
Avrupa - Kügük Asya bölgesinden gelmeyen köklere sahip bazi insanlarm defneldildigi tespit
edilmi§tir. Diger etkenlerin yamnda paleogenetik incelemeler, anne tarafmdan Afrikah ve Asyah