Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 15.1901/​1902(1902)

DOI Heft:
No. 57 (November, 1901)
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whether it be possible to reveal the workings of
the heart to greater perfection.

Any one who has seen the figure of the youth—
the Adolescente to which I have already alluded,
and his bust of Leopardi in the atrium of the
Ateneo at Palermo, must be convinced of the fact
that form and fancy are most artistically blended in
the artist.

Young as he is, Ugo is no novice in art; he is
well known at our exhibitions, where on several
occasions his works have gained prizes. Yet he is

- -?*•

but at the outset of his career, which promises to
be full of glory for him and for the land of his

BRUSSELS.—Several displays—of interest
by reason of their honest and serious
intent—have been held recently at the
Cercle Artistique. Mdlle. Art showed
a fresh series of pastels of bold design and charming
colour. M. R. Janssens was well represented by
a large collection of his Coins de vieilles villes et
vieux logis. The numerous display of portraits
and landscapes by M. Verheyden gave emphatic
proof of simplicity of vision and well-
controlled technique, while extreme
delicacy was the prevailing quality in
the work of the late M. Binje. M.
Otteraere exhibited several poetically-
conceived scenes—parks and cathedrals;
and M. V. Rousseau, who is certainly the
most interesting personality in the young
Belgian school of sculpture, delighted
everyone by his exquisitely beautiful
little bronze groups.

The exhibition of the Societe des
Aquafortistes Beiges was also held at the
Cercle Artistique, and proved a complete
success. The public, already interested
by the articles in The Studio devoted
to the experiments in colour engraving
made recently in France, had an oppor-
tunity of seeing for themselves the works
so ably and so acutely criticised by M.
G. Mourey. Germany, represented by
MM. Klinger and Koepping, sent works
of extraordinary cleverness ; while Hol-
land, in the persons of MM. Zilcken,
Bauer, Bosch, Nieuwenkamp, Storm
Van Gravesande, and others, was seen
to great advantage. M. M. E. Orlik,
an Austrian, sent several vivid and life-
like sketches ; and the English exhibitors
included Messrs. Herkomer, Cameron,
Alfred East, and Laing. Spain had for
its representative M. Egusquiza, and
Portugal M. Quintella de Sampayo.

The exhibits from Belgium were many
and various. Prominent among them
was that of H.R.H. the Countess of
Flanders; and mention should also be
made of the boldly-treated etchings by
MM. Baertsoen, Wytsman, Van Ryssel-

“ UN masque”

