Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 15.1901/​1902(1902)

DOI Heft:
No. 59 (January, 1902)
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and the photographs are excellent. The Wood-
Pigeons and Mary (London : Macmillan), is

another contribution to the Child’s Library from
the pen of Mrs. Molesworth. This lady’s stories
are always welcome to the young because she does
not commit the fault of writing beyond their under-
standing, and is always able to ensure the interest
of her readers from the first page to the last.
Mr. H. R. Millar’s illustrations are, as usual,
excellent. Fairy Tales from the Swedish (London :
William Heinemann) are written by Baron G.
Djurklon and translated into English by H. L.
Broekstad. Theypossess all the necessary elements
of popularity with young people, the illustrations
by Ivittelsen, Werenskiold, and Carl Larsson
being amusing and well drawn. The Lily
Princess (London: Skeffington & Son) is by
a promising young authoress, Miss Marguerite
Lloyd. It contains two charming illustrations
by Mrs. Farmiloe. Mr. Byam Shaw’s coloured
illustrations to Old King Colds Book of Nur-
sery Rhymes (London : Macmillan) are altogether
of remarkable excellence,
and deserve a place not
only in the nursery, but
also in the corner of the
library which contains the
memorable works for chil-
dren by Randolph Caldi-
cott, Walter Crane, and
Kate Greenaway. The
Olde Iris he Rimes of Brian
OPinn (London : Macmil-
lan) is especially notable for
the highly amusing and
very cleverly drawn illus-
trations by S. Rosamund

Few people are probably
aware of the fact that the
late Mr. Cosmo Monk-
house included amongst
his many accomplishments
the difficult art of writing
good nonsense rhymes.

His achievements in this
direction have now been
collected and published by
Mr. Brimley Johnson, with
illustrations by Mr. Gilbert
Chesterton, who has
thoroughly entered into the
spirit of the author’s whim-
sical humour.

The Children's London. By Charlotte Thorpe.
Illustrated by William Luker, Junr. (London:
The Leadenhall Press, Ltd.) Price iol 6d. net.
It would be difficult to name a more instructive
introduction to the sights of London than this
well-printed and excellently illustrated volume.
Designed especially for the use and entertainment
of young people, its pages nevertheless contain
many things of interest to children of a larger
growth, and as a souvenir of the metropolis it may
be unreservedly recommended.

Clean Peter (London : Longmans, Green & Co.),
is a book with some amusing and cleverly drawn
illustrations in colours, with verses, by Ottilia
Adelborg, a Swedish artist of much ability.
The verses are translated into English by Ada

In Britannia's Bulwarks (ios. Gd. net), edited
by Commander Charles N. Robinson, R.N.,
Messrs. Newnes, Ltd., have issued a well-illustrated
and extremely attractive book which will appeal
irresistibly to all British boys who love the sea and



