Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 18.1902/​1903

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Kaklamanos, Dēmētrios: A Greek painter: Nicolas Gysis
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ftights of imagination without infringing any of
the restrictions which shouid be observed even
by the most highiy gifted. He is, if one may
coin an expression, a an artist
who, though he left Greece in eariy youth, never
iost sight of his origin ; never ceased to suffer from
a nobie nostaigia, a home-sickness which has ient
to his work a pathos and a passion that ieave upon
the spectator an indeiibie impression. May not
the beautifui words of Wordsworth be justiy appiied
to him : " Creative art, whether the instrument of
words she use, or pencii pregnant with ethereai
hues, demands the service of a mind and heart";
or those of his feiiow countryman, the poet Costis
Paiamas: "Wasnot his brush, now, aias! destroyed,
asaiyreofsonoroustone?" i). CACLAMANOS.
H* ONDON. —What is the best scheme of
decoration for a schooi ? It is a sign of
the times that this question, aitogether
^ ** negiected in past generations, is now
being considered in many quarters; indeed there
are many who feei sure that their eariy education
was hindered by the barn-iike rooms in which they
worked at schooi. To bring children up as bar-

barians inured to ugliness is not the best way
in which parents can invest their money or
schoolmasters their time. Roorns may be made
serviceable and comfortable without the least
appearance of mispiaced luxury, and to encourage
a iove of coiour and of form is in itseif an education.
Mr. Wickham Jarvis, in the work which he has done
for a schooi at Sandgate, appeais at once to the
parent who detests pampering and to the reformer
who iikes agood biendingof comeliness with utiiity.
His rooms are airy, weii lighted, weii constructed,
easy to dust, easy to keep ciean, and pieasant to
iook at and to study in.

We hear with pieasure that Mr. Aiexander b'isher
is trying to set on foot a scheme for the encourage-
ment of enameiling, and also of refined work in the
precious metais. Fuii particuiars of the scheme
wiii be given at a iater date for the beneht of
those to whom it wiii be of interest and vaiue.
Meantime we trust that Mr. Fisher's enterprise
wiii be successfui, as it promises to be a return
to that hne oid system of teaching in the crafts
which surrounded the best experts with wiiling
pupiis and apprentices.

