Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Acca Larentia, ara : see Sepulcrum Accae Larentiae.
Adonaea : the name1 found on a fragment of the Marble Plan (44) which
seems to belong to a large complex of buildings covering an area of about
IIO by 90 metres. Its location is not certainly known, though some
authors (LR 167-170; BC 1910, 1-41 ; ZA 219-220) place it at the east
angle of the Palatine, in the large area known as Vigna Barberini (see
Domus Augustiana). On the other hand, on grounds of material, it
appears that the fragment will not fit in at this part of the plan (DAP 2.
xi. 113-118); and, if this is so, its site must be considered quite uncertain
(HJ 87; Mitt. 1890, 77; 1896, 206).
Adonidis aula : a hall or garden in the Flavian palace in which Domitian
is said to have received Apollonius of Tyana, but nothing is known of its
character (Philost. vit. Apoll. Tyan. vii. 32; HJ 87; Mitt. 1896, 206).
Aedes Tensarum : mentioned only in one inscription, a military diploma
(CIL iii. p. 845 11.) ; but probably the same building is referred to in another
(ib. p. 1963, xvi. : post thesarium veterem). This was on the Capitol and
served to house the chariots, tensae (Fest. 364), in which the statues of the
gods were carried in processions (Jord. i. 2. 52 ; BC 1910, 49-52). Cf.
also Suet. Vesp. 5 ut tensam Iovis optimi maximi e sacrario . . . deduceret.
Aedicula Capraria : mentioned in the Notitia among the monuments of
the southern part of Region VII, but otherwise unknown (HJ 459)· It
may have stood in or near the Vicus Caprarius (q.v.).
Aemiliana : a district outside the Servian wall in the southern part of the
campus Martius, but whether near the Tiber, or near the via Flaminia just
north of the porta Fontinalis, cannot be determined (Varro, RR iii. 2. 6 ;
Tac. Ann. xv. 40 ; CIL xv. 7150 ; cf. Cic. de rep. i. 9 ; HJ 490). It was
ravaged by a great fire on 21st Oct., 38 a.d. (Suet. Claud. 18; BC 1916,
220; 1918, 247; AJA 1908,42; ILS 9427; BPW 1920, 310).
Aeolia : balnea belonging to a certain Lupus, which are mentioned only by
Martial (ii. 14 ; cf. i. 59). The name was perhaps derived from a picture
of the island of Aeolus on the wall of the baths, or from its draughts
(HJ 502), and in the latter case it may be simply a joke.
1 It is maintained in ’'A.yyeXos, ii. 44-50, that they are garden courts and not connected
with the cult of Adonis.

