Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Caca, sacellum : a shrine of Caca mentioned twice in extant literature
(Serv. ad Aen. viii. 190 : hunc (Cacum) soror sua eiusdem nominis
prodidit; unde etiam sacellum meruit in quo ei per virgines Vestae
sacrificabatur (vulg.), ei pervigili igne sicut Vestae (F)=Mythog. Vatic,
ii. 153 ; iii. 13 ; Lact. Inst. i. 20. 36 : colitur et Caca quae Herculi fecit
indicium de furto boum). It is supposed to have stood on the south-west
corner of the Palatine near the Scalae Caci (q.v.), but no trace of it
has been found. For a discussion of Caca and the topographical questions
involved, see Rosch. i. 842-843; RE iii. 1164; WR 144; De Sanctis,
Storia dei Romani ii. 524-525 ; University of Michigan Studies iv. 234 ;
Mitt. 1895, 163 ; Gilb. i. 51.
Caci Scalae : see Scalae Caci.
Cacum : another name for the forum Boarium, if the reading of the Cos-
mographia (Geogr. Lat. Min. ed. Riese, 83) is accepted (Jord. i. 2. 482 ;
RE iii. 1165 ; Pr. Reg. 153 and HJ 40, in loc.). It may simply be an
abbreviation of vicus Caci (Eranos 1923, 126-129).
Caelimontium1: * the name given to Region II in Reg., and in one inscrip-
tion (CIL xv. 7190). It included the greater part of the Caelian hill
and extended east to the Aurelian wall. This word, Caelimontium, is
evidently analogous in formation to Septimontium, and may have been
used as the name of the region because it included the hill, or the region
may have been so called because Caelimontium was one of its principal
streets (cf. Alta Semita). Some evidence for the latter hypothesis is
found in the adjective Caelimontienses (CIL vi. 31893, 31899), although
it has been suggested (BC 1891, 353-354) that this may mean those who
dwelt in a street or quarter that was called Caelimontium, a restricted
use of the latter term which has parallels.
Caelimontienses : see above.
Caeliolus or Caeliolum : a part of the Caelian hill (Varro, LL v. 46),
appearing as Caeliculus or Caeliculum in Cicero (de Har. Resp. 32), and
probably the Caelius minor of Martial (xii. 18. 6). The vicus Capitis
Africae, the modern via Claudia, seems to have divided the hill into
two sections, and the smaller, eastern, section was presumably the
1 The form Celimontium is given in the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae ; but the inscriptions
have here been followed. Caelemontium was also used ; compare Campus Caelemontanus.