Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Gaia. A calendar anterior to Julius Caesar recently found at Antium
(NS 1921. 118) notes, under 8th Dec., Tiberino, Gaiae. The cult of
Tiberinus on the insula Tiberina was already known ; and that of Gaia
was perhaps carried on in the same shrine. Gaia is Gaia Taracia (see
Campus Tiberinus) or Fufetia, who is identified either with Tarquinia,
the virtuous Vestal of Numa’s day, or with her antitype Tarpeia (Plin.
NH xxxiv. 25 ; Gell. vii. 7. 4 ; Pais, Storia i2. 538 ; Mitt. 1921-2, 23-28).
Gaianum : an open space in Region XIV (Reg. Cat. ; Hemerol. Filoc. ad v
Kai. April., CIL i2. p. 314), south of the naumachia Vaticana and east of
the via Triumphalis, where Caligula was fond of having horse races
(Cass. Dio lix. 14). From inscriptions found in the vicinity (CIL vi.
10052-4, 10057-8, 10067, 33937, 33953 1 BC 1902, 177-185) it appears
to have been surrounded by statues of successful charioteers (HJ 662 ;
DAP 2. viii. 355-60 ; BC 1896, 248-9).
Gallinae Albae : probably a street or district in Reg. VI (Reg.) and in
the fourth ecclesiastical region (Greg. Magn. ep. iii. 17 : domum . . .
regione quarta, iuxta locum qui appellatur Gallinas albas), on the western
part of the Viminal, in the neighbourhood of S. Lorenzo in Panisperna.
The name was preserved by the church of S. Sixtus in Gallina Alba
(Jord. ii. 122, 319 ; ASRSP 1886, 436 ; RhM 1894, 417 ; FIJ xxiii, 374 ;
HCh 471. For the name as applied to a part of the villa of Livia, on
the via Flaminia, see JRS 1921, 145 ; BC 1923, 26, 27).
Ad Gemellos : mentioned twice in Frontinus (de. aq. 5, 65): locus infra
Spem Veterem (q.v.), that is, near the porta Praenestina (Jord. i. I. 462 ;
HJ 364), where the aqua Appia and aqua Augusta joined.
Gemoniae : see Scalae Gemoniae.
Genius Castrorum, sacellum : a shrine or altar dedicated to the Genius
of the Castra Peregrina (q.v.) on the Caelian, known only from in-
scriptions (CIL vi. 230-231 ; HJ 235 ; DE iii. 475-476 ; CR 1908, 156).
Genius Populi Romani (aedicula ? νεώρ, ναός, του Γενίον τον όημου Cass.
Dio) : (i)a shrine dedicated to the Genius of the Roman people, near the
temple of Concord in the forum, mentioned twice in connection with
prodigies in the years 43 and 32 b.c. (Cass. Dio xlvii. 2. 3 ; 1. 8. 2), and on
an inscription (CIL vi. 248) found between the clivus Capitolinus and