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Scene—New Building in course of erection in view of Government Offices.

Government Cleric (to Fellow Cleric). " 'Sat, Feed, I 'ye been watching that
Bricklayer foe, the last Twenty Minutes, and he has not bone a stroke

of woek all the time ! the country may well be going to the dogs ! "

Easy-going Bricklayer [to Fellow Artisan). " 'Say, Bill, I've been watching
that 'eke Clerk for the last Half-hour, and, blow me ! he's done
nuthin' all the time ! Taxes may well be high ! Wonder what Pay

he gets for that ? "


(By a Rural Elector, to a very old Air—"Gee-ho, Dobbin ! ")

People calls me a clodhopper, bumpkin, and clown,
And a chawbacon— some on 'am up there in Town;

Also Hodge, in their newspapers sometimes they styles,
Or as commonly crissens me otherwise Giles.

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

Here be I in a new sart o' carickter quite,

As they tells me, come into an Englishman's right,
And their wonder is how I shall act wi' my vote,

A good deal, they expects like a bear in a boat.

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

Will the Radical chap be the man o' my choice,

Or the Tory persuade me to gie un a voice ?

Shall the Free or Fair Trader my Candidate be,

Or the Friend o' the Farmer the jockey for me ?

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

There be some, what, if they gets the uppermost hand,
Says they 11 gie every cottidger a good bit o' land
For to farm his own self, keep a pig and a eow,

That's your sort, if they '11 help you to find the means how.
Gee-ho, Dobbin!

Them's the fellers I'd vote for, beyond e'er a doubt,
If I thought they could carry their promises out,
Knowun best what my wants be, of sitch I should say
Let them there represent me ; the fittest be they.

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

If I know'd who'd be like so to vote or to speak,

As to bring me a shillun moor wages a week,

'Tis for he that I'd poll, the plain truth to declare,
But there's no beun sartun eonsarnun that are.

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

I knows't 'ood be shameful my suffridge to sell,
And bribery, so penial, perwents me as well.

But what good is a Member to me, a poor man,

Any moor nor to get by un all that I can ?

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

And your gentlefolks, too, the'same purpose pursues ;
They han't nothun to gain, but got summat to lose ;
And their hopes, whosomdever their votes they med gie,
Is of losun the least as can possible be.

Gee-ho, Dobbin!

What although I be called Johnny Raw and John Tbot,
Full as well as my betters I knows what is what;

I shall goo for the main chance as well as I may,

And no doubt vote no wus, if no better, than they.
Gee-ho, Dobbin!


A Fragment of Unexplained Metropolitan Romance.

" The matters at issue are of a kind -which no public tody can venture to
leave unnoticed. The Board is charged with wilful complicity in a disregard
of its own sanitary rules, and with a downright fraud besides, or, in the alter-
native, with conducting its business in so muddled a fashion as to deprive it
of all claim to confidence."—Times.

The two figures emerged from the gloom, and sped oh their way
down the newly-constructed thoroughfare. They paused opposite a
large but dilapidated public-house that stood alone, as if insolently
defying the levelling process that had destroyed all the neighbouring
buildings. The foremost spoke. "And this is one?" he asked of
his companion. A hoarse laugh of assent was his reply, but he
understood its meaning, and, after a pause, approached the flaring
side-door of the premises. There was a low parley in a smothered
undertone with the landlord, broken only by the chink of gold, and
then the two moved on again. "It is something to be a member of
the Metropolitan Board of Works," continued the first speaker.
" Ha ! ha! These foul rookeries pay handsomely for their footing!"
And he fingered the loose coin in his great-coat pockets till its ring
rattled across the deserted site of the new street.

* * . * * * *

They were superintending the laying of obsolete granite pavement
now. The younger speaker had a sinister look in his eye as he
watched the costly and futile process. Then he broke silence—

" ' Bloohsbury ' has asked in the Times" he cried, " whether any
large contract for granite, in which any member of the Board is
directly or indirectly interested, has anything to do with this vexa-
tions and wasteful procedure, How can we answer that ? Ha ! ha!

right merrily, enough I warrant me!" There was a malicious
subacid tone in his voice. His companion responded by a long, low,
wicked laugh, and the too moved moodily away towards Marylebone.

* * * * # *

They have reached a black alley now. A noisome stench hangs
heavily upon the oppressive atmosphere, but they push on. A house
condemned as uninhabitable by the local Yestry is rotting in the
poisoned precincts with a padlock on its door. A second has been con-
demned and is partially destroyed, but the third still stands. This
they approach. They halt on the threshold. " A pretty bit of pro-
perty this," remarks the foremost, with grim humour, "but it is
sweeter work, I can tell you, fingering your money than collecting it.
Bah !_ but I must in and face it! " And so saying, at the same time
muffling himself up with a huge comforter as a protection against the
putrid miasma that meets him on the door-step, he staggers through
the portal and enters the house. The other looks after him, and
then casts an inquiring glance up at the tottering premises. '' Hum,"
he growls, " and that rotten place holds fifty inmates does it ? Well
I 'in blest! However, he knows what he's about - he does, and so,"
and here he gives an ugly chuckle, '11 flatter myself does the
Board ! ". Then with an oath he turned towards Spring Gardens.


Not Fur Enough.—It is being said that if we wear fur all the
year round, we shall be cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
Who suggests this ? A Gentleman connected with the furrier
interest ? But has he ever been due North in furrin' parts ? How-
ever, the new teaching won't obtain many adherents; and as for
ourselves, we '11 have our flannels and silks in summer; and as to winter
—well, our mode of dress, then, may be in-furr'd.

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Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Furniss, Harry
um 1885
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1880 - 1890
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 89.1885, October 3, 1885, S. 168